A quote near the end of the BBC's article 'Disco ball' put into space from NZ says:
Jonathan McDowell, a satellite-tracker and astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, commented: "The irony is that it's poorly placed for observation right now - low on the horizon for evening passes in New Zealand and not visible from the USA until March - if it stays up that long."
N2YO says that it is 43166, 2018-010D, in a 299 x 532 km orbit at 82.9°. This LEO orbit has a mean motion of close to 15.5 per day, is there some freaky resonance that puts it over the US only during the daytime somehow?
Question: How could it remain invisible from North America (or USA at least) for two months?
A secondary question would be if this is intentional - is this a side-effect of making its visibility somehow more from New Zealand?