I remember there was a test of optical communication and some data transfer from lunar orbit to earth, and I think the ISS uploaded (or downloaded-up? which is correct here?) a movie from earth.
In order to have the internet on Mars not end up to be too expensive and to extend the Deep Space Network (and here and DSNnow here) capability, optical seems to be a very important technology for the not-so-distant future.
Free space optical communications (no optical fiber) seems to be just made for space. With a wavelength of the order of 1 micron instead of 10 centimeters, transmission antenna can be smaller in diameter for the same gain. Receiving antennae can possibly be smaller - basically something like the kind of optical telescopes they use now for astrophotography - but that depends on nearby bright sources of light and data rate.
Were these tests successful? Have there been other tests? What's coming next?
Screenshot(s) of Deep Space Network Now