Science Alert's These Are 7 of The Strangest Experiments Humans Have Ever Done in Space talks about two tortoises that flew aboard Zond-5 spacecraft on 2 September 1968, then later goes on to say:
We'd like to say that no one ever sent tortoises to space again, but... two more tortoise missions took place. Zond 7 in 1969 carried tortoises. In 1975, the Soyuz 20 spacecraft ferried a tortoise around for 90 days. And two tortoises flew on the Salyut-5 space station in 1976.
I count three more from the wording of that paragraph;
- Zond 7 in 1969
- Soyuz 20 in 1975 (which went to the Salyut-4 space station)
- Salyut-5 in 1976
Question: Have there been four Soviet missions with tortoise payloads in toto; Zond 5 and three more rather than two?