I have noticed that many people here have used different programs to calculate the launch dates and delta V to get to other planets.
For example:
Which programs are being used to calculate the delta V and launch dates?
I have noticed that many people here have used different programs to calculate the launch dates and delta V to get to other planets.
For example:
Which programs are being used to calculate the delta V and launch dates?
Both linked examples use the same "program" (mine), they just show different representations & interpretations of the output data.
My "program" is a messy collection of MATLAB scripts & functions that I have developed over the past 3 or so years into a somewhat general interplanetary trajectory tool. One day I hope to clean it up enough and post it on Github to share with others.
In short, my "program" takes the following inputs:
Performs some calculations:
And arrives at the following output data:
I wrote another answer here describing this process in few more words and also touched upon gravity assist trajectories, which my "program" also handles.
Crucially, the two "independent" variables of departure and arrival date enable the data to be represented in a contour plot, more affectionately known as a porkchop plot:
(Personal work, from another answer of mine)
I pick launch dates "visually" by looking at the low energy (low $\Delta V$) regions in the porkchop plot.
In gravity assist trajectories the filtering is more involved so I end up with a 1D set of viable trajectories so the plots look like clusters of blue dots (see here, here, here, and here).