I would like informations on the flight controls of the Soyuz spacecraft. Especially the two control sticks, as shown in this picture (of a Soyuz simulator).
I'm particularly interested by the user interactions. To my understanding the left one is used to control the attitude of the spacecraft: yaw, pitch, roll (the latter by rotating the stick). The right stick is used for translation control (forward/backward up/down right/left) The third axis is controlled by pulling/pushing the control.
- Did I understood well how the sticks function?
- Does the sticks allow for multi-directional inputs?
- Does the sticks have a potentiometre (are the thrusters throttlable)?
- What are the green and brown plots on the left stick?
- Which axis on the right controller controls which direction?
Image credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/cmichel67/14305335555 licensed under CC.