How feasible is it to use a cyclotron in this manner for space propulsion?
Inject small amounts (aliquots) of ionized matter into cyclotron at some high integer multiple n of the cyclotron frequency $\omega=qB/m$ so that there are n aliquots at each radius in the cyclotron. Since the time it takes to complete one revolution is the same for all of these aliquots, one could use the frequency $2n\omega$ of the alternating electric field to accelerate all these aliquots in a synchronous manner. This would give essentially a continuous stream of very high speed plasma or material to accelerate spacecraft. Of course, the aliquots could move at relativistic speeds which would affect the cyclotron frequency by $\gamma$. But one could design a magnetic field that gets stronger with increasing radius especially toward outer portions where relativistic effects would be more prominent. There would also be electrostatic repulsions between aliquots that would need to be taken into account. The spacecraft would likely need nuclear power source. Is this a feasible idea? Has this been thought of already?