I just watched the live feed of the Soyuz capsule landing in Kazakhstan. All the way down the narrator was describing the expected sequence of parachutes and how retro-rockets would fire approximately 3 seconds before touchdown to soften the landing.
If these rockets fired it was not visible from the long range camera footage (posted here on Twitter). If anything there is a <0.2sec window in the clip where they might have fired right at touchdown. 1 frame is in the air, 2 have a blast ring/glow, and the next is on the ground in what seems like a pretty hard touchdown.
No mention of this is being made in the rest of the broadcast. (Edit: A narrator just described the replay about 20 minutes later saying the "there we see the soft landing engines firing just a second or two before landing", but this is neither the 3 seconds that was expected nor is it accurate as what is visible happens only a fraction of a second before touchdown.)
Was there a problem with the altitude detection or timing of the soft landing rockets firing? Would this have been visible if they had fired earlier? Or might they have fired and we just couldn't see them from this camera show? Is there other footage to compare how this sequence looks?