I've written a MATLAB script to use the bvp4c two point boundary equation solver to implement a Calculus of Variations trajectory optimization of the problem of a single finite burn with a free coast to pick the optimum ignition point. I'd like any input on mistakes that I've made or ways to improve the code. What it does is solve for the optimum finite burn from a 185x185 km orbit to a 185x1000 km orbit, with an optional inclination change. It sets up a multipoint boundary value problem to solve a burn-coast problem using the primer vector equation.
The code is based off of MATLAB code in the appendices of Optimal Control with Aerospace Applications by Longuski, Guzman and Prussing. The coast time and burn times have been implemented as free parameters and the boundary value problem uses normalized time (tau) so that [0,1] is the coast period and [1,2] is the burn period.
The ODE implements the equations of motion and the primer vector equation for central force motion in 3D cartesian coordinates. I think I've gotten those correct, but could use someone double checking my work. The multiplication by the coast or burn times in the return value of the ODE is necessary to convert the derivative from $\frac{d}{dt}$ to $\frac{d}{d \tau}$.
The Boundary Conditions are something that I've got a question about if I've done correctly. The initial position, velocity and mass are trivial conditions. There are also 14 conditions which impose continuity across all the variables on the lefthand side and righthand side in between the coast and the burn (tau = 1).
The remaining conditions are the 5 constraints on the terminal orbital conditions, and then the 3 transversality conditions to account for the true anomaly of the attachment point being free, and the times of the coast and the burn being free. For the terminal orbital conditions I'm using the angular momentum vector and the first two components of the eccentricity vector being equal to the target orbit. What I'm using for transverality conditions are that if the hamiltonian is broken up into $H = H_0 + T S$ where T is the thrust and S the switching function, then I set $H_0(t_2) = 0$, $H_0(t_0) = 0$ and then with $S = ( \lvert p_v \rvert - 1)$ set $\lvert p_v(t_1) \rvert = 1$. I lack some confidence that I've gotten that entirely correct.
Results seem to to be pretty decent, but I'm a little surprised that I don't see $\lvert p_v(t_2) \rvert = 1$. I also see convergence issues for any problems involving an inclination above about 25 degrees (but that gets into 300 sec / 3000 dV burns).
I have not yet normalized the units for position and velocity so they're still in $m$ and $m/s$.
For more moderate burns it seems to perform pretty well and gives burntimes within about a second of the impulsive burn model and looks like it leads the burn correctly with a negative coast of roughly half the burntime.
I'd appreciate any help though in finding mistakes that I've made or ways to improve this code to make it more robust.
close all; clear all; clc;
global r0 v0 m0 rT vT g0
global MU Thrust Mdot
MU = 3.9860044189e+14; % earth
Thrust = 232.7 * 1000; % N; LR-91 232.7 kN
m0 = 32.74 * 1000; % kg; 32.74t - 1g start accel
isp = 316; % sec; LR-91
g0 = 9.80665; % m/s; standard gravity
ve = isp * g0; % m/s
a0 = Thrust / m0 % m/s^2; initial accel
tau = ve / a0 % s; time to burn rocket to zero
Mdot = Thrust / ve; % kg/sec
rearth = 6.371e+6; % m; earth radius
r185 = rearth + 0.185e+6;
r1000 = rearth + 1.000e+6;
% initial position (185x185)
r0 = [ r185, 0, 0 ];
v185 = sqrt(MU/r185);
v0 = [ 0, v185, 0 ];
% target orbital parameters (185x1000)
rT = [ r185, 0, 0 ];
smaT = ( r185 + r1000 ) / 2;
inc = 10; % degrees
vTm = sqrt(MU * (2/r185 - 1/smaT) );
vT = [ 0, vTm * cosd(inc), vTm * sind(inc)];
vBurn = vT - v0;
dV = norm(vBurn)
% list initial conds
yinit = [r0 v0 vBurn/norm(vBurn) 0 0 0 m0 ]; % initial state and costate
tb_guess = tau * (1 - exp(-dV/ve) )
tc_guess = - tb_guess / 2
% sanity checks on the impulsive burn model
mf_impulsive = m0 - tb_guess * Mdot
af_impulsive = Thrust / mf_impulsive / g0
% parameters
parameters = [ tc_guess, tb_guess ];
% number of timeslices
Nt = 41;
tau = [
% initial guess
solinit = bvpinit(tau, yinit, parameters);
% bump up the mesh by a bit
% solve
sol = bvp4c(@Burn_odes, @Burn_bcs, solinit, option);
% extract times
tc = sol.parameters(1)
tb = sol.parameters(2)
% pull out values for times
Z = deval(sol, tau);
% convert taus to times
for i=1:length(tau)
if tau(i) <= 1
time(i) = tau(i) * tc;
time(i) = tc + ( tau(i) - 1 ) * tb;
% extract solution vars
x_sol = Z(1,:);
y_sol = Z(2,:);
z_sol = Z(3,:);
r_sol = sqrt( x_sol.^2 + y_sol.^2 + z_sol.^2 );
vx_sol = Z(4,:);
vy_sol = Z(5,:);
vz_sol = Z(6,:);
v_sol = sqrt( vx_sol.^2 + vy_sol.^2 + vz_sol.^2 );
pvx_sol = Z(7,:);
pvy_sol = Z(8,:);
pvz_sol = Z(9,:);
pv_sol = sqrt( pvx_sol.^2 + pvy_sol.^2 + pvz_sol.^2 );
m_sol = Z(13,:);
for i = 1:length(tau)
r = Z(1:3, i);
v = Z(4:6, i);
h(i) = norm(cross(r,v));
% plots
ylabel('mass, tons', 'fontsize', 14);
xlabel('Time, sec', 'fontsize', 14);
hold on;
grid on;
ylabel('radius, km', 'fontsize', 14);
xlabel('Time, sec', 'fontsize', 14);
hold on;
grid on;
ylabel('velocity, km/s', 'fontsize', 14);
xlabel('Time, sec', 'fontsize', 14);
hold on;
grid on;
ylabel('h', 'fontsize', 14);
xlabel('Time, sec', 'fontsize', 14);
hold on;
grid on;
ylabel('pv magnitude', 'fontsize', 14);
xlabel('Time, sec', 'fontsize', 14);
hold on;
grid on;
plot(x_sol/1000, y_sol/1000);
grid on;
axis equal
xlabel('x, km', 'fontsize', 14);
ylabel('y, km', 'fontsize', 14);
% Boundary conditions
function PSI = Burn_bcs(yleft, yright, parameters)
Y0 = yleft(:,1);
Y1 = yleft(:,2); % == yright(:,1)
Y2 = yright(:,2);
global r0 v0 m0 rT vT MU g0 Thrust
ri = Y0(1:3);
vi = Y0(4:6);
pvi = Y0(7:9);
pri = Y0(10:12);
mi = Y0(13);
ri3 = norm(ri)^3;
rf = Y2(1:3);
vf = Y2(4:6);
pvf = Y2(7:9);
prf = Y2(10:12);
mf = Y2(13);
rf3 = norm(rf)^3;
r1 = Y1(1:3);
v1 = Y1(4:6);
pv1 = Y1(7:9);
pr1 = Y1(10:12);
r13 = norm(r1)^3;
hT = cross(rT, vT);
hf = cross(rf, vf);
eT = - (rT/norm(rT) + cross(hT,vT)/MU);
ef = - (rf/norm(rf) + cross(hf,vf)/MU);
emiss = ef - eT';
uf = pvf / norm(pvf);
H0ti = dot(pri, vi) - MU * dot(pvi, ri) / ri3;
H0t1 = dot(pr1, v1) - MU * dot(pv1, r1) / r13;
H0tf = dot(prf, vf) - MU * dot(pvf, rf) / rf3;
Htf = H0tf - Thrust * ( norm(pvf) - 1 );
PSI = [
Y0(1:3) - r0' % 3 - initial position
Y0(4:6) - v0' % 3 - initial velocity
Y0(13) - m0 % 1 - initial mass
norm(Y1(7:9)) - 1 % 1 - norm(pv1) = 1 (so H(t1) = 0 on both sides of t1)
hf - hT' % 3 - terminal constraint on angular momentum
emiss(1:2) % 2 - terminal constraint on ecc vector
H0ti % 1 - H0(t0) = 0
H0tf % 1 - H0(tf) = 0
yleft(:,2) - yright(:,1) % 14 - values at t1 are continuous
% Equations of motion
function dX_dtau = Burn_odes(tau, X, k, parameters)
global MU Thrust Mdot
if k == 1
thr = 0;
md = 0;
tinterval = parameters(1); % tc
thr = Thrust;
md = Mdot;
tinterval = parameters(2); % tb
r = X(1:3);
v = X(4:6);
pv = X(7:9);
pr = X(10:12);
m = X(13);
u = pv / norm(pv);
Fm = thr / m;
r3 = norm(r)^3;
r2 = dot(r,r);
r5 = norm(r)^5;
rdot = v;
vdot = - MU * r / r3 + Fm * u;
pvdot = pr;
prdot = - MU / r5 * ( 3 * r' * r - r2 * eye(3,3) ) * pv;
dX_dtau = tinterval*[rdot', vdot', pvdot', prdot', -md ];