Interpolation is only as accurate as its source data. Striving for the "most accurate" interpolation, absent an understanding of the uncertainty of the data being interpolated, is an academic exercise at best.
For orbital ephemerides, linear interpolation in cartesian coordinates,i.e.,
$$q(t) \approx \frac{t_1 - t}{t_1 - t_0}q(t_0) + \frac{t - t_0}{t_1 - t_0} q(t_1),\:t_0 \leq t \leq t_1$$
where $q(\cdot)$ is any quantity of interest (velocity, position, whatever), will give you a relative position error proportional to the second time derivative of that quantity in that time period. For positions in an orbit, the error is approximately proportional to the versine of half of the true anomaly angle subtended between fiducial points at periapsis. The same is more or less true for orbital velocity. In the case of the ephemeris data for Earth's orbit around the sun, one-minute intervals correspond to a subtended angle of approximately 12 microradians, giving a relative error of $O(10^{-11})$.
Given that the gravitational parameter of the sun is only known to a relative precision of about $8 \times\ 10^{-11}$, unless you are really relying on something that will guarantee continuity of higher level derivatives, a linear interpolation will provide you with an accuracy commensurate with your source data. Using a "more accurate" interpolation method would be wasted effort -- inaccurate data interpolated accurately is still inaccurate.