First you need input data. Input can be presented as orbit elements (semimajor axis, eccentricity, inclination, true anomaly, longitude of ascending node, perigee), or state vector (position and velocity). If you choose orbit elements they need to be translated to state vector in ECI coordinates (find orbit to ECI).
Second choose integrator for propagation (three types: analytic, semi-analytic, numerical). If you choose numerical propagator as I did. Now choose integrator (a lot of them) but with order higher than Euler, because it doesn’t provide necessary accuracy. For simple example and understanding I choose Runge Kutta 4 (RK4).
Third, choose perturbed effects. The most simple of them is gravity (find 2-Body problem) satellite_position * -MU / Magnitude(satellite_position)^3
Gravity effect used in all perturbed orbit calculations where MU – Earth gravity = 398600.4415. In most cases when you see “only-drag”, “only-solar radiation pressure” etc, it’s mean that also include gravity, so technically they are not “only”.
When choosing perturbed effect you must decide how to calculate it, for example even gravity has different models, or in magnetic Earth field model. Atmospheric drag can be calculated in two ways (I find only two):
1) Calculation depending on time like described in “Montenbruck, E. Gill; Satellite Orbits - Models, Methods, and Applications”. And also choose model like Harris-Priester
2) Calculation with already calculated table of atmosphere density values, like did these gentleman in one of his programs. For table values you also can choose any “already tables” you like: “U.S. Standard Atmosphere”, or Russian “ГОСТ 4401-81” etc.
I choose table version. My implementation in c++, main loop:
QDateTime dt = QDateTime (QDate(2018,05,11),QTime(14,30,30));
double JD = GetJulDate(dt);
double Mjd = MJD(dt);
double h = 0.5 // integration step
for (double tCur = tBegin; tCur < tEnd; tCur += tStep){
// for table version
RK4 (h, sat);
// for time depend version
//RK4 (h, sat, Mjd);
For integration step h is better to choose 0.5. Mjd – modified Julian date. sat – is object which contains satellite data (in my case only position, velocity, size and mass).
Runge kutta 4 with time t, if you don’t use time just send only 1 parameter in function “acceleration”:
void RK4(const double& h, Satellite& sat, double &t){
Satellite k1,k2,k3,k4;
double MJDstep = (0.5 * h)/Tm;
Satellite yy;
yy = sat;
k1 = acceleration (t, yy) * h;
yy.loc = sat.loc + .5 * k1.loc;
yy.vel = sat.vel + .5 * k1.vel;
k2 = acceleration (t + MJDstep, yy) * h;
yy.loc = sat.loc + h * .5 * k2.loc;
yy.vel = sat.vel + h * .5 * k2.vel;
k3 = acceleration (t + MJDstep, yy) * h;
yy.loc = sat.loc + h * k3.loc;
yy.vel = sat.vel + h * k3.vel;
k4 = acceleration (t + h/Tm, yy) * h;
sat.loc += h/6 * (k1.loc + 2 * k2.loc + 2 * k3.loc + k4.loc);
sat.vel += h/6 * (k1.vel + 2 * k2.vel + 2 * k3.vel + k4.vel);
Line MJDstep = (0.5 * h)/Tm
is prestep calculation where Tm = 1440. This is for translate time in seconds to modified Julian date. Or any other time unit of your chose.
And acceleration function:
Satellite acceleration (double const &t, Satellite &sat) {
Satellite f;
f.loc = sat.vel;
double p = Magnitude(sat.loc);
f.vel = sat.loc * -MU /(p*p*p);
double Cd = 2.2;
f.vel += AccelDrag(sat, Cd);
// for time version
// f.vel += AccelDrag2(sat, Cd, t);
return f;
the last but not the least (and obvious) use same units everywhere. If you choose meters translate length units to meters. If seconds for time translate all time to seconds.