I would like to know the how much the inclination for a generic elliptical orbit changes over an unspecified period. The variation of inclination fluctuates as per a thread listed at the bottom.
I'd like a more analytical solution than having to run a GMAT/STK simulation for an extended period of time and plotting the inclination to see the variation.
In The New SMAD (page 211) it refers to the disturbing potential but doesn't list it, and then I've become a bit stuck in working out how I'd use that to get an answer.
The aim here is to calculate the inclination change required if the secular variation in inclination was to be minimized. So I'm looking to find how large a plane change is needed and how often to effectively maintain the current orbit within a specified tolerance.
This all fits in with trying to come up with the generic stationkeeping requirements for any elliptical orbit as part of an optimization study so the aim is more trying to find a workable solution at relatively low computation requirement (as it will have to be run for a large number of scenarios) then coming up with a super high fidelity solution.