Here is a sample Python script I modified from the example at (requires registration of a free account). It looks for all SpaceLink satellites only (I plan to modify it to accept a list or dictionary with resident space object identifiers instead):
# (copyright 2019 by Andrew Stokes, original file named differently)
# Simple Python app to extract resident space object history data from into a spreadsheet
# (prior to executing, register for a free personal account at
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# For full licencing terms, please refer to the GNU General Public License (gpl-3_0.txt) distributed with this release,
# or see
import requests
import json
import xlsxwriter
import time
import datetime
import getpass
import sys
class MyError(Exception):
def __init___(self, args):
Exception.__init__(self, "my exception was raised with arguments {0}".format(args))
self.args = args
# See for details on REST queries
# "Find Starlinks" query finds all satellites w/ NORAD_CAT_ID > 40000 & OBJECT_NAME matching STARLINK*, 1 line per sat;
# the "OMM Starlink" query gets all Orbital Mean-Elements Messages (OMM) for a specific NORAD_CAT_ID in JSON format.
uriBase = ""
requestLogin = "/ajaxauth/login"
requestCmdAction = "/basicspacedata/query"
requestFindStarlinks = "/class/tle_latest/NORAD_CAT_ID/>40000/ORDINAL/1/OBJECT_NAME/STARLINK~~/format/json/orderby/NORAD_CAT_ID%20asc"
requestOMMStarlink1 = "/class/omm/NORAD_CAT_ID/"
requestOMMStarlink2 = "/orderby/EPOCH%20asc/format/json"
# Parameters to derive apoapsis and periapsis from mean motion (see
GM = 398600441800000.0
GM13 = GM ** (1.0 / 3.0)
MRAD = 6378.137
PI = 3.14159265358979
TPI86 = 2.0 * PI / 86400.0
# Log in to personal account obtained by registering for free at
print('\nEnter your personal username (usually your email address for registration): ')
configUsr = input()
print('Username capture complete.\n')
configPwd = getpass.getpass(prompt='Securely enter your password (minimum of 15 characters): ')
# Excel Output file name - e.g. starlink-track.xlsx (note: make it an .xlsx file)
configOut = 'STText.xslx'
siteCred = {'identity': configUsr, 'password': configPwd}
# User xlsxwriter package to write the .xlsx file
print('Creating Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) file to contain outputs...')
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(configOut)
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
z0_format = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#,##0'})
z1_format = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#,##0.0'})
z2_format = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#,##0.00'})
z3_format = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#,##0.000'})
# write the headers on the spreadsheet
print('Starting to write outputs to Excel file create...')
now =
nowStr = now.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
worksheet.write('A1', 'Starlink data from' + uriBase + " on " + nowStr)
worksheet.write('A3', 'NORAD_CAT_ID')
worksheet.write('B3', 'SATNAME')
worksheet.write('C3', 'EPOCH')
worksheet.write('D3', 'Orb')
worksheet.write('E3', 'Inc')
worksheet.write('F3', 'Ecc')
worksheet.write('G3', 'MnM')
worksheet.write('H3', 'ApA')
worksheet.write('I3', 'PeA')
worksheet.write('J3', 'AvA')
worksheet.write('K3', 'LAN')
worksheet.write('L3', 'AgP')
worksheet.write('M3', 'MnA')
worksheet.write('N3', 'SMa')
worksheet.write('O3', 'T')
worksheet.write('P3', 'Vel')
wsline = 3
def countdown(t, step=1, msg='Sleeping...'): # in seconds
pad_str = ' ' * len('%d' % step)
for i in range(t, 0, -step):
sys.stdout.write('{} for the next {} seconds {}\r'.format(msg, i, pad_str))
print('Done {} for {} seconds! {}'.format(msg, t, pad_str))
# use requests package to drive the RESTful session with
print('Interfacing with to obtain data...')
with requests.Session() as session:
# Need to log in first. NOTE: we get a 200 to say the web site got the data, not that we are logged in.
resp = + requestLogin, data=siteCred)
if resp.status_code != 200:
raise MyError(resp, "POST fail on login.")
# This query picks up all Starlink satellites from the catalog. NOTE: a 401 failure shows you have bad credentials.
resp = session.get(uriBase + requestCmdAction + requestFindStarlinks)
if resp.status_code != 200:
raise MyError(resp, "GET fail on request for resident space objects.")
# Use json package to break json-formatted response into a Python structure (a list of dictionaries)
retData = json.loads(resp.text)
satCount = len(retData)
satIds = []
for e in retData:
# each e describes the latest elements for one resident space object. We just need the NORAD_CAT_ID...
catId = e['NORAD_CAT_ID']
# Using our new list of resident space object NORAD_CAT_IDs, we can now get the OMM message
maxs = 1 # counter for number of sessions we have established without a pause in querying
for s in satIds:
resp = session.get(uriBase + requestCmdAction + requestOMMStarlink1 + s + requestOMMStarlink2)
if resp.status_code != 200:
# If you are getting error 500's here, its probably the rate throttle on the site (20/min and 200/hr)
# wait a while and retry
raise MyError(resp, "GET fail on request for resident space object number " + s + '.')
# the data here can be quite large, as it's all the elements for every entry for one resident space object
retData = json.loads(resp.text)
for e in retData:
# each element is one reading of the orbital elements for one resident space object
print("Scanning satellite " + e['OBJECT_NAME'] + " at epoch " + e['EPOCH'] + '...')
mmoti = float(e['MEAN_MOTION'])
ecc = float(e['ECCENTRICITY'])
worksheet.write(wsline, 0, int(e['NORAD_CAT_ID']))
worksheet.write(wsline, 1, e['OBJECT_NAME'])
worksheet.write(wsline, 2, e['EPOCH'])
worksheet.write(wsline, 3, float(e['REV_AT_EPOCH']))
worksheet.write(wsline, 4, float(e['INCLINATION']), z1_format)
worksheet.write(wsline, 5, ecc, z3_format)
worksheet.write(wsline, 6, mmoti, z1_format)
# do some ninja-fu to flip Mean Motion into Apoapsis and Periapsis, and to get orbital period and velocity
sma = GM13 / ((TPI86 * mmoti) ** (2.0 / 3.0)) / 1000.0
apo = sma * (1.0 + ecc) - MRAD
per = sma * (1.0 - ecc) - MRAD
smak = sma * 1000.0
orbT = 2.0 * PI * ((smak ** 3.0) / GM) ** (0.5)
orbV = (GM / smak) ** (0.5)
worksheet.write(wsline, 7, apo, z1_format)
worksheet.write(wsline, 8, per, z1_format)
worksheet.write(wsline, 9, (apo + per) / 2.0, z1_format)
worksheet.write(wsline, 10, float(e['RA_OF_ASC_NODE']), z1_format)
worksheet.write(wsline, 11, float(e['ARG_OF_PERICENTER']), z1_format)
worksheet.write(wsline, 12, float(e['MEAN_ANOMALY']), z1_format)
worksheet.write(wsline, 13, sma, z1_format)
worksheet.write(wsline, 14, orbT, z0_format)
worksheet.write(wsline, 15, orbV, z0_format)
wsline = wsline + 1
maxs = maxs + 1
if maxs > 18:
print('\nSnoozing for 60 secs for rate limit reasons (max 20/min and 200/hr).')
maxs = 1
print('\nCompleted session.')
The name of the original script by Andrew Stokes was "" which I renamed to "" because I am still playing around with it. I do not care about any copyright attribution to myself.