During yesterday's aborted SpaceX launch, someone was giving instructions to the controllers about abort procedures:
To abort the launch, a controller will say 'abort, abort, abort'.... controllers will not call an abort in the final ten seconds of launch.
Paraphrased from memory
In fact, the forcefulness with which this was announced provoked this tweet:
The dude giving abort instructions for #SpaceX #Falcon9 #SES8 kinda sounds like he is reciting the rules for Fight Club.
Tweeted by Pillownaut on November 28, 2013 at 10:30 PM
My question is this: Why aren't controllers allowed to call an abort in the final ten seconds? It seems that if I were a controller and I found something that was going to cause something to blow up, it would be preferrable for others to know - even if in the last ten seconds.
What is the rationale behind this rule?