I know that the Raptor engines are significantly different from the Merlin 1-D's since they use liquid methane and are cryogenic. However, what exactly enables the Raptor engines to produce a lot more thrust than the Merlin's and how could they be compared with other engines such as the RD-180?
Also does SpaceX save money by manufacturing their engines themselves as compared from buying them elsewhere?
\begin{array}{lrrrr} &\text{Thrust}&\text{(kN)}&\text{Isp}&\text{(sec)}\\ & Vac. & SL & Vac. & SL\\ Merlin & 914 & 845 & 311 & 282\\ Raptor & 1900 &1700 & 375 & 356 \end{array}
to separate columns,\` for new rows,
\begin{array}{lrrrr}` for five columns, one left-aligned, four right-aligned, and the rest is just details. $\endgroup$