While propagating the satellite motion faced the strange effect. Without the atmosphere results (x,y,z
coordinates in meters and vx,vy,vz
velocities in meters per second) are [3.30971e5, -6.55755e6, 2.57717e6, -1261.46, -2762.24, -6871.88]
but including the atmosphere drag effect i obtain [-2.90003e5, -7.04404e6, -8.97772e5, -1268.31, 996.889, -7305.6]
. Notice that difference between satelite positions is 300+ km. Can the atmospheric drag effect be so big or it is the implementation and modelling issues? The formula for atmospheric drag was taken from GMAT documentation:$$a=\frac{1}{2}\rho v^2_{rel}\frac{C_dh}{m_s}\hat{v_{rel}}$$ and the barometric formula(from Wikipedia) to calculate the density:
$$\rho=\rho_d\exp\left[ \frac{-g_0M(h-h_0)}{ RT_b}\right ].$$ The $h_0,T_b$ and $\rho_d$ constants were taken from http://www.braeunig.us/space/atmos.htm.
Here is the code:
using DifferentialEquations
jd = Dates.datetime2julian(DateTime(2100,01,01,0,0,0)) * 86400
jd2 = Dates.datetime2julian(DateTime(2100,01,11,0,0,0)) * 86400
y = [-976.3107644649057E+03, -4835.627052558522E+03, -5031.728586125443E+03, -0.7944031487816871E+03, 5.474532271429767E+03, -5.094496750907486E+03]
GMe = BigFloat(398600.4415E+9)
req = BigFloat(6378136.3) #m
mass = 850
A = 15.0 #m^2
rho_b = 6.65E-14 #kg/m^3,
g = 9.80665 #m/s^2,
M = 0.0289644 #kg/mol,
h_0 = 650000 #m,
R = 8.3144598 #N·m/(mol·K),
T_b = 1011.5365 #K
omega = [0.0, 0.0, 7.292115078468551e-5]
v_wind = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
C_d = 0.47#from GMAT
#× vector product
function atmospheric_drag(y)
v = [y[4],y[5],y[6]]
r = [y[1],y[2],y[3]]
h = sqrt(y[1]^2+y[2]^2+y[3]^2) - req
rho = rho_b*exp((-g*M*(h-h_0))/(R*T_b))
#println("rho = $rho")
v_rel = v - omega×r + v_wind
v_rel2 = v_rel[1]^2+v_rel[2]^2+v_rel[3]^2
a = -0.5*rho*(C_d*A/mass)*v_rel2*v_rel
function f2(dy,y,p,t)
atm_dr = atmospheric_drag(y)
dy[1] = y[4]
dy[2] = y[5]
dy[3] = y[6]
dy[4] = - GMe*y[1]/re3 - atm_dr[1]
dy[5] = - GMe*y[2]/re3 - atm_dr[2]
dy[6] = - GMe*y[3]/re3 - atm_dr[3]
prob = ODEProblem(f2,y,(jd,jd2))
solution = solve(prob,Vern9(),abstol=1e-13,reltol=1e-13)
sol = solution[end]
#order 0 degree 0 no Sun, no Moon
GMATresult = [330.97011851316,-6557.5472439174,2577.1624246640,-1.2614569607713,-2.7622388770690,-6.8718847034529]
a = 0
for i = (1:6)
b = sol[i] - GMATresult[i]*1000
println("$b m")
if i < 4
a = a + b^2
println("Distance error = $(sqrt(a)) m")
I've noticed that even little values like 1e-6 being added to f2
affect significantly (70+ km) on the result. The values of the acceleration provided by atmospheric_drag
function are of 1e-5 order. Maybe that is the reason?
variable). $\endgroup$