Let's make a quick simplified estimate.
According to Wikipedia, the solar sail will exert a force of $8.17 \mu N / m^2$, when the Sun rays are perpendicular to the sail.
So for a 100x100m sail this will be $0.0817 N$.
However, the $8.17 \mu N / m^2$ figure is for a sail at Earth distance from the Sun.
Our sail will be at Mars distance, so there will be less solar radiation pressure and the force will decrease by a factor proportional to $R_{Mars} / R_{Earth}$ where $R_{Mars}$ and $R_{Earth}$ is the Sun radiance at Mars ($561 W/m^2$) and Earth distance ($1361 W / m^2$) respectively.
So this will be $561 / 1361 \approx 0.43$ and our force will reduce to about $0.0352 N$.
Now let's assume that the solar sail will be in the shadow for half of the orbit and produce no force (this is not true, it will be in the shadow for less than that).
A quarter of the orbit will be in the sunlight and moving towards the Sun, so it will decelerate our Phobos block.
For another quarter, it will be in the sunlight and moving away from the Sun, so the Sun would accelerate our block - to avoid this, we will keep the sail parallel to the Sun rays, so that again it won't produce any force.
During the quarter orbit where it will decelerate our Phobos block, we will keep the sail perpendicular to our direction of travel, and the force produced will be proportional to $sin(\theta)$ where $\theta$ is the angle formed by the sail and the Sun rays.
The average of this factor during this quarter orbit can be calculated by integrating $sin(\theta)$ from 0 to 90 degrees and taking its average.
$$ \alpha _ {1/4 orbit} = \frac{\int_{0}^{90} cos(\theta) d\theta}{90} \approx 0.636 $$
For the whole orbit, it will be $0.636 / 4 = 0.159$.
This means that on average, during the whole orbit, we will output only $0.159$ of the force compared to as if we were always with the sail perpendicular to the Sun rays.
All in all, our average force will be $0.0352 \cdot 0.159 \approx 0.0056 N$.
According to the comments to the question, our Phobos block will weight 360 tonnes (360.000 Kg).
So our acceleration will be:
$a = F / m = 0.0056 / 360000 \approx = 0.0000000156 m/s$
So to reach our $\Delta v$ of $1400 m/s$ it will take us $1400 / a \approx 90000000000s !$
That is about 2853 years!
Some notes on the estimate:
- Given the very small force, in this estimation we have assumed as if the orbit will stay circular (it will actually decrease very slowly in a spiral).
- We have also exaggerated Mars' shadow
- We have ignored the sail mass (I hoped it will be negligible compared to the 360 tons of the block of Phobos)
- We have assumed no aerobraking (which could be a thing, see SF comment).
Removing totally Mars's shadow would mean we will use half orbit instead of a quarter, so the time will be halved ("only" 1426 years).
Below some Python code with the calculations:
import scipy.integrate as integrate
import math
deltaV = 1400 #m/s
sailArea = 100*100 #m2
# Sail force per square meter from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_sail, assuming Earth distance
sailForce = 8.17e-6 # N/m2
#Integrate from 0 to PI/2.0, which is the same as from 0 to 90 degrees
avgEfficiencyDuringQuarterOrbit = integrate.quad(lambda x: math.sin(x), 0, math.pi/2.0)[0] / (math.pi/2.0)
avgEfficiencyDuringWholeOrbit = avgEfficiencyDuringQuarterOrbit / 4
# Radiances from https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/marsfact.html
radianceOnMars = 586.2 # W/m2
radianceOnEarth = 1361 # W/m2
radianceReduction = radianceOnMars/radianceOnEarth
avgForce = avgEfficiencyDuringWholeOrbit * radianceReduction * sailForce * sailArea # Newton
F = avgForce #N Force
# Mass is 360 tons of Phobos (from the comments to the question)
M = 360*1000 # Kg
a = F / M
time = deltaV / a #s needed to accelerate to that speed
timeInDays = time / (60*60*24)
timeInYears = timeInDays / 365
print("It will take {} days, or {} years.".format(timeInDays, timeInYears))