I am focusing this answer on the software roadblocks, as the question asks:
What are the prospects for (and roadblocks to) comms with cubesats using "normal" internet connections where your cubesat has something like an IP address or similar, easily-obtained token or ID, and you can just use the same protocols you'd use to talk to say your Raspberry Pi?
Touching on hardware issues (these are less of a problem now-a-days, ignoring money):
I would say the most viable form of implementation for a cube-sat architecture would be quantity over quality, with another quality layer to relay information back to earth. If you want something like this to even begin to be possible, you will first and foremost create an open source framework for the cube-sat data standard. Likely this will need to be much more robust in error checking than anything before due to signal drop on small receivers over long distances.
This brings up our second problem. I'm sure you can do the math for the size required of certain antenna configurations to be able to transmit data across a certain distance-- but if you do this in terms of cubesat sizes, we will probably see worse results th an the usual 100km to 6000km commercial ranges associated with regular communications satellites. The main issue with this is that even the NASA CubseSat 101 manual states RF is the main cubesat communication layer meaning attituse control would be a must. Unfortunately attitude control on noncommercial cubesats is generally nonexistant-- which is actually less of a problem according to this 2018 technology review for cubesat communication advances have allowed us to miniturize technology that is beyond basic RF and into higher frequency bands wothout the large payload. These can be deployed in cubesats as small as 1u from what i read depending on other electronics. Therein lies the next thing-- what are you thinking this internet will do?
The biggest roadblock (ignoring any hardware specifications):
So say you just want cubesats to greet each other when they are within a range of 100km to create a self sustaining tracking network. Cool! That actually would be simplistic. You just need to write a framework and get all parties you want as part of the network to use this framework in their code. You need to make this framework viable for nearly all cubesat platforms and you need to distribute it reliably-- likely through NASA sourced networks. After you have an opensource or control sourced internet protocol on nearly 50% of cubesats for something simple like this-- it would be as simple as updating the code with new functionalities. A simple upgradr to this system that would be substantial would be, for instance, caching all cubesats its met and transmitting it when within range of the main relay. Vada bing bada boom cubesat tracker! Provided you remembered to add the ability to update it... bringing us to our final argument towards the complexity here...
Cubesats are pretty... nonreusable.. in terms of satellites to date. While there are exceptions-- these have been fire and forget orbiters with burn wire release mechanisms from students with limited budgets. Now-- a commercial cubesat deployment in large quantities would be exceptional in my opinion. You could have a basic network, possibly attitude control through ion engines and communication with a more robust satelite layer from a higher orbit to reliably update your framework. This way you can new functionality and perform regular calls against some sort of cubesat hivemind api. If you are a private company thinking on this scale though-- i doubt you would be opposed to considering creating a dedicated satellite (real deal satellite with commlink to earth) in a well aligned orbit to have maximum cubesat uplink capability. The problem that will come for a corporation running a 100+ cubesat network will then be maintaining the cubesats in a macro mindset.
Macro computing problems...
Most of these companies who will be launching these cube-sat swarms will be accustomed to dealing with sending updates to 1-5 satellites at a time. One of the largest challenges with macro computing is consistency across systems. For instance, I work at a company with 30,000 employees-- that's a decent amount, and we just went through a massive software update from Windows 7 to Windows 10. We had to upgrade 30,000 laptops to the new operating system, this is what happened:
- ~60% of upgrades went normally (that's higher than average).
- ~15% of upgrades were declined by the users, manual intervention required.
- ~10% of upgrades were not propagated correctly, manual intervention required.
- ~10% of upgrades pretty much destroyed the computer entirely, manual intervention required.
- ~5% other unique issues were encountered and needed intervention on a case-by-case basis.
In the beginning, this will be the biggest blocker, keeping all of the cubesats on the same page without being able to communicate with them all at the same time. If you have 50% of the cube-sats uplinked when you push a code update (and have no dedicated handler to continuously push this request when others come on-line reliably), you're gonna have a bad time.
Honestly Im going to assume the benefit of swarm satellites will become apparent once theyve mastered the big problems:
- Communication.
- Reusability.
- Attitude (or heck-- even altitude in this case) Control.
- Widespread Standard and Adoptance.
- Politics are a blocker.
- Advertisement is a blocker.
- Source control is a blocker.
- Source propagation is a massive blocker.
I cannot overstate that last part more. The internet was a culmination of agreement among many nations on a single protocol which was developed and communicated well enough to become standard. Id look up IEEE standards, message formats for TCP and UDP transmission alongside many other protocols if you want to know more about how the internet came to be software wise. Development of this software base is key. It must be universal and widespread to gain significant traction. With how small they are you are gonna need a lot of them. This is not a one company deal for global coverage.
I'm guessing the benefits to this style of satellite will be point based data gathering to give a picture of the solar activity around the world as a whole so approximations on orbital activity can be made globally. Once again... this is provided all hardware enables your software, and your software enables all hardware.
Sorry for typos-- I wrote this on my phone.