Were stereoscopic pictures taken during the Apollo missions?
Did the astronauts of the Apollo 11, 12, 14-17 take stereoscopic pictures of the lunar landscape?
I know many stereoscopic images were taken by the US probes that landed on Mars but I cannot find similar pictures for the Moon.
I would be especially interested to see such double photos that show distant hills or mountains in the background.
Using your answers I finally found what appears to be stereo pictures showing lunar mountains. One example is the anaglyph labeled AS15-82-11053/4. However, there should not be shifts between the cyan and red pictures for the distant mountains as long as the two colors perfectly match in the case of the closest mountain to the camera.
From your answers, I can infer that true stereo pictures, taken from the surface of the Moon by the astronauts, showing distant mountains in the background, do not exist and what can be found on the internet are simply things that imitate up to a certain point true anaglyphs.
AS15-82-11053/4 Red-Blue Anaglyph, Apollo 15. (Source)