I was reading this question and wondered if there has ever been a design idea which could shield a rover from the 14 day heat and cold cycle when on the surface of the moon. I was imagining some sort of dome-like structure which is retractable or something along those lines. However Im unsure that a dome would help the problem over the course of 14 days. A sleeping bag and tent in antarctica wouldn't be retaining much heat after the first few hours provided no source of internal heat. However- it could also shield it from the sun and let it warm up slower and cool off slower so the expansion is less drastic. Would any of this help a rover live longer on the moon?
I guess the question is- has this ever been considered? If it has- link the article. If it has not- explain why its infeasible (E.G. requires too much insulation, lunar soil not being a good insulator, heat would escape within first 4 hours, etc).