The image below shows a part of a backup satellite for Telstar 1 and 2. In addition to the many small and highly segmented solar panels, there are what look like individual elements of the same kind of solar cells placed on special mounts. The first image shows four of them, the second shows one.
In each instance (both the large solar panels and the individual cells) the cell is further subdivided into five segments.
Question: What is the purpose and function of these separated, individual solar cells? Why were they "special" yet so similar to all the others in the larger panels?
Backup spacecraft for Telstar, the world’s first active communications satellite. Telstar 1 began an era of live international television. After its launch on July 10, 1962, it relayed television images between the United States and France and England.
Source: cropped (some zoomed and sharpened) from Smithsonian Air and Space Museum page Telstar