Next Wednesday, September 25th, the Soyuz MS-15 will be launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome. I guess the trip to the ISS will be long (6 hrs to 24 hr) as usual.
I want to see both the ISS and the Soyuz approaching it with my binoculars. The idea is to see them chasing each other and take some pictures. But for that I need to know the TLE of the Soyuz.
Are there any predicted TLEs available right now? Is there any place where I could get accurate TLEs for the Soyuz almost in real-time? after launch so I plan my observation?
Are there any available documents with schedules I can look for? Maybe some instructions and times for each phase of the approach? In that way I could try to see the ISS ~1 hour before the docking and see if I can spot the Soyuz as a separate object.