In addition to crashing the Saturn V's S-IVB into the moon to collect seismic data from sensors installed by the crews of Apollo 11 and 12, several life sciences experiments were performed on the crew before and after Apollo 13. While all of the inflight experiments were canceled, researchers still managed to collect data on the cardiovascular's response to weightlessness, in addition to several others that you can read about here. The experiments were
- Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations
- Apollo Flight Crew Vestibular Assessment
- Clinical Aspects of Crew Health
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Endocrine, Electrolyte, and Fluid Volume Changes Associated with Apollo Missions
- Hematology and Immunology Studies
- Microbiological Investigations
- Nutritional Studies
- Radiation Protection and Instrumentation
It should be noted that the data from Apollo 13 simply added to the datasets of ongoing studies.