Some recent comments have got me wondering about this
- What is the distance between one of the mars's satellite revolving near the highest volcano olympus mons and the volcano olympus mons?
- comments and answers to its linked duplicate Olympus Mons - viable Mars landing site? especially this comment
Sure, with enough rockets and propellant you could land there. However the mass required for all that propellant would vastly reduce the mass of your payload
Many things have landed on Mars. I'm not sure what fraction have entered orbit first versus direct deceleration from interplanetary trajectory to touch down.
In each case, what fraction of their velocity do they remove propulsively versus using atmospheric drag
I'm guessing it's 50% for interplanetary to landing and of order 10% for orbit to landing, but I could be way off.
Obviously answers will have to be rough since they may need to summarize several missions, and velocity increases once Mars' gravity kicks in.