How many satellites were launched each decade?
Including satellites of Mars Moon Venus Sun etc
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How many satellites were launched each decade?
Including satellites of Mars Moon Venus Sun etc
Similar question
Number of satellites launched per decade:
------ ---------------
1950 33
1960 2323
1970 4504
1980 5744
1990 3936
2000 2309
2010 2341
The results are once again from the JSR 2017 report and are based on this query:
--Satellites launched per decade (excluding debris).
select trunc(to_char(launch_date, 'YYYY')/10)*10 decade, count(*) satellite_count
from launch
join satellite
on launch.launch_id = satellite.launch_id
where official_name not like 'deb %'
group by trunc(to_char(launch_date, 'YYYY')/10)*10
order by decade;
This answer provides information about how to run the query yourself. Hopefully that information is convenient enough that you can write queries and answer your own questions - let me know if the site is not working or if you have ideas for improving it.