They could strike one small ground target of opportunity, or do something hugely visible like destroy the ISS.
A fully fueled Starship in LEO could theoretically burn to deorbit anytime in the next orbit or two and come down mostly empty on any point beneath those next few orbits - but that would severely limit the sort of critical targets they could hit to things beneath or very near those next few orbits, and the scale of destruction would be similar in magnitude to a jet airliner crashing down. With planning, presumably they would vent enough leftover propellant between entry burn and entry, leaving the most they can safely carry through reentry to maximize ground destruction.
If they choose to use some of that large fuel load to maneuver in orbit towards a more valuable target on the ground, I believe the chances of success are far lower because one of the several militaries with ASAT capabilities would likely become tempted to shoot it while it's still in LEO, containing the major threat to space.
Given that, the other major harm they might be able to cause would be attempting to maneuver towards the ISS. Perhaps it was a cargo ship carrying new hardware, or another flight that coincidentally can be made to intersect with the ISS orbit with a few km/s of deltaV applied. At that point they could attempt a direct strike or attempt to trigger the FTS or destroy the vehicle through other means (overspeed a turbine, overpressurize a tank, etc) to create a large debris field.