Could folks in space, either space station astronauts in LEO or even future space tourists in suborbital arcs be able to see large projections like this on the sides of mountains?
Did ISS astronauts have an orbital opportunity to try to see and/or photograph it?
Was it seen by any Earth-observation satellites?
Answers to
discuss how well art can be seen from space and show some examples, and
- What caused this bright light from the ground at night seen from the ISS?
- What is this huge, red, blinking light structure on Earth seen from the ISS in this video?
show some artificial light sources photographed from space, so I think it is plausible, but there's a limit to how much light a projector can put out and how bright the result will be when spread out over a mountain-sized screen with optical scattering properties far from ideal.
From See photos from NASA Mars Perseverance landing found in An asteroid just came 'exceptionally close' to hitting Earth
A giant projection of the NASA Mars 2020 mission Perseverance rover on the Tschuggen mountain (left) and Mars planet on the Jungfrau mountain (right), by Swiss light artist Gerry Hofstetter, is pictured from the alpine resort of Mannlichen, Switzerland, Feb. 15, 2021. Several projections were performed both from the ground and helicopter and were carried out over distances of up to 8km and dimensions up to 2.2km in height on the iconic Swiss mountains Eiger, Monch und Jungfrau. The artistic performance pays tribute to the "Mars 2020" Perseverance rover mars mission by the NASA planned for landing on Feb. 18, 2021. VALENTIN FLAURAUD, KEYSTONE VIA AP