MOXIE splits two molecules of martian carbon dioxide into two molecules of carbon monoxide and one molecule of oxygen. Breathing elevated levels of CO2 ranges from unpleasant (to say the least and actual footage believe it or not with ASPCA approval) to fatal and of CO ranges from unhealthy to fatal but without warning. This well-sourced answer to How did MOXIE “know” that it produced 5.4 grams of oxygen? Did it measure pressure rise in a container or just vent it? Did it use an oxygen sensor? contains the following image. It shows two gas outputs for MOXIE, a "good" one with an O2 and CO2 sensors, and a "bad" one with CO2 and CO sensors.
Question: Assuming I am thinking clearly and try to use the gas from the good one to build up something breathable in a pinch, would I have to scrub the CO2 or traces of CO from it with an additional system?