Somewhat related to How many plants would be needed to produce oxygen enough for 20 humans?
Suppose a number of humans are closed in a large hermetically sealed room on Earth with a glass (or other see-through) roof material that allows sunlight through:
Would it be possible to create a symbiotic relationship between humans and plants / trees whereby the humans would exhale enough CO2 for the plants to survive whilst the plants would produce enough oxygen for the humans to survive?
Would (for example) one person and one beech / oak tree work (or some combination of trees that don't shed leafs seasonally and continue absorbing enough CO2 whilst emitting enough oxygen all year around)? If not, how many humans and how many trees / plants would work?
I am thinking if a disaster strikes Earth and the atmosphere becomes unbreathable whether such a system could theoretically work?
Also, this set-up would be highly relevant for Mars whilst also being very highly relevant for any type of self-sustainable orbiter or spaceship (and therefore relevant for space exploration).
Thank you for any responses or tips,