GMAT (General Mission Analysis Tool) is an amazing open-source tool for designing spacecraft orbits etc.
The latest documentation for GMAT version 2020a says that help is available at, but that site is unresponsive (ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED ), and hasn't been updated at the Internet Archive since GMAT Forums as of 2019-06-13
Has it moved? Was there any announcement? Is there a more functional, searchable archive somewhere, or the raw data that someone could use to put up at least a static copy?
Is there an alternative forum to recommend? Or is this site the best we've got?
And what is the status of the GMAT project itself?
Update: another thing that we would love access to is the Mission Library, which was at but that fails with "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN" and doesn't seem to have been captured by the Internet Archive at all. It would be very very helpful to have good examples of current and/or complex missions to build on.
And one more old forum is also missing (redirecting to another site:)
Does anyone active have edit permissions on the GMAT Wiki to point to the new locations identified in the answer[s]?