Dr Patrick Slane, director of the Chandra X-ray Center, has sent A Letter to the Chandra Community explaining that NASA plans to close down the Chandra project due to budget constraints.
NASA say that:
The Chandra spacecraft has been degrading over its mission lifetime to the extent that several systems require active management to keep temperatures within acceptable ranges for spacecraft operations. This makes scheduling and the post processing of data more complex, increasing mission management costs beyond what NASA can currently afford.
The Chandra X-ray Observatory was launched in 1999 and is the world's most powerful X-ray telescope. It has eight-times greater resolution and is able to detect sources more than 20-times fainter than any previous X-ray telescope.
There is a review planned for April to discuss options for continuing to operate the observatory within the new budget. The options are to maintain the status quo, restructure the project or terminate the mission. Dr Slane says he'll "continue to strongly make the case for the continued full support of Chandra" but seems to think the new budget will not allow that.
I can't find any references to dollar costs, so how much exactly will NASA save by closing down Chandra?