There is no generally agreed upon naming convention that I'd know of. Since the prefixes for the closest (peri-) and farthest (apo-) orbital point to the parent body are of ancient Greek origins, most commonly found forms use ancient Greek names for celestial bodies. Either ancient Greek gods that are equivalent to Roman gods that the celestial bodies were named after (e.g. for Latin / Roman Mars, ancient Greek equivalent is Ares, both gods of war), any objects, places and so on that they were associated with, or even their alternative names. Similar goes for adjectives. But the names used both for apsides as well as adjectives can also come from Latin, for example, for the Moon:
- Adjectives: lunar (from Latin Luna), selenic / selenian (from Greek Selene) or alternative cynthean (from Greek Cynthia, epithet of the Greek goddess of the moon Artemis)
- Apisides: (peri-/apo-) lune, selene, cynthion
Forms from Artemis are missing, perhaps because it would make such named apsides sound like a bad medical condition. Some of the remaining forms are more commonly used for artificial satellites (e.g. -cynthion), others for natural satellites (e.g. -selene) and so on. But their use might depend on something as simple as which one sounds better or catches on in scientific and popular literature. And yes, such naming can get pretty inventive, like for example for black holes (-melasma/-bothra/-nigricon) or Venus (-cytherion/-cytherean/-krition).
Wikipedia used to have a table of most common names of apsides, but that's sadly gone with new revisions:
Body Closest approach Farthest approach
General Periapsis/Pericenter Apoapsis/Apocenter
Galaxy Perigalacticon Apogalacticon
Star Periastron Apastron
Black hole Perimelasma/Peribothra/Perinigricon Apomelasma/Apobothra/Aponigricon
Sun Perihelion Aphelion
Mercury Perihermion Aphermion
Venus Pericytherion/Pericytherean/Perikrition Apocytherion/Apocytherean/Apokrition
Earth Perigee Apogee
Moon Periselene/Pericynthion/Perilune Aposelene/Apocynthion/Apolune
Mars Periareion Apoareion
Jupiter Perizene/Perijove Apozene/Apojove
Saturn Perikrone/Perisaturnium Apokrone/Aposaturnium
Uranus Periuranion Apouranion
Neptune Periposeidion Apoposeidion