Linked Questions

47 votes
8 answers

What would be the (most difficult) challenge to make a 10,000 year satellite?

Update: Bezos' recent Tweeted update on the 10,000 year clock. Also see The Verge's Construction begins on Jeff Bezos’ $42 million 10,000-year clock The discussions associated with the question Can ...
uhoh's user avatar
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40 votes
3 answers

Is pinging the Moon with a laser as shown on "The Big Bang Theory" possible?

In an episode of season 3 of The Big Bang Theory, the cast sends a laser pulse to the Moon. This seems to be a real thing: What Neil & Buzz left on the Moon (2004). My questions are: Could ...
Dmytro Khmara's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

What is this unlikely-looking contraption ("plutonium battery and scientific equipment") they're making Jim Lovell carry around a parking lot?

The BBC's Did nuclear spy devices in the Himalayas trigger India floods contains the following image and caption. Questions: What scientific equipment and which plutonium battery is this? Since this ...
uhoh's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What is the current record for the farthest detection of a "dead" spacecraft?

In order to better defend my position that trying to track Juno from Earth once it can no longer transmit would be Quixotic, I'd like to ask what the current record is for the farthest detection from ...
uhoh's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Who does these mesmerizing simulations of the phases of the Moon? And how?

It's lunar new year here and people will be lighting fire crackers and launching bottle rockets off and on until dawn, so I thought I would read up on it.'s Moon Phases update Your new ...
uhoh's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

How many sundials, Sun compasses and gnomons are there on solar system bodies?

According to Sundial Around the handle is a small sundial, which enables geophysicists to estimate the azimuth— i.e. the orientation of ...
uhoh's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Are there examples of spaceflight equipment being redesigned to remove right hand bias? (To make it less difficult to use left-handed)

Writing First left-handed primate on the Moon? First in space? got me thinking. The first left-handed astronaut may "break a barrier" but not all barrier-breakings result in an improvement ...
uhoh's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

How many bubble levels have been used in space? Were any of them used some place besides the Moon?

The lunar retroreflectors left by Apollo astronauts had bubble levels and Sun compasses to that they could be oriented correctly with respect to Earth's average direction. This was necessary to ...
uhoh's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What exactly is a "Next Generation Lunar Reflector"? Difference in design and performance?'s 50 Years After Apollo, India Is Carrying a NASA Laser Reflector to the Moon (And It's Only the Start) is a little confusing because it talks about three retroreflectors: - Apollo era ...
uhoh's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Could Schiaparelli's retroreflector array (still) be used?

update 2: It appears Schiaparelli has already been located by satellite. This still represents the first laser ranging retroreflector array deployed beyond the Earth-Moon system! So assuming it is now ...
uhoh's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Why they left a mirror and not a camera on the moon? [closed]

The title says it all. Why did the astronauts leave a mirror but not a camera on the Moon? Also, is there a reason why the Hubble telescope was built to orbit the Earth and not built to be on the Moon?...
BЈовић's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Local expansion measured, near zero via Lunar Ranging - what about deep space probes?

All of the discussion around this question and in the comments below this answer, about the local effects of "the expansion of space" (Metric expansion of space) or Cosmological redshift or just ...
uhoh's user avatar
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