Linked Questions

211 votes
6 answers

Can I borrow a lunar rover?

According to Wikipedia there are 3 LRVs sitting on the moon, in very well defined locations. Would China, or whomever gets to the moon with a person next, be able to get in and drive around in an LRV ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
27 votes
3 answers

How can Elon Musk's Tesla actually reach Mars orbit?

So the payload of the maiden Falcon Heavy flight will be... Elon Musks's Tesla This is one part publicity stunt (it's going to be playing David Bowie's Space Oddity, if for nothing more than the ...
Machavity's user avatar
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2 answers

Reasons why the Lunar Rover DID NOT become "a jumble of loosely assembled broken parts on Launch"?

A number of comments and some answers at the question Can I drive Elon Musk's Tesla in 100 Years? suggets the Tesla Roadster "would not survive launch... it would be a jumble of loosely assembled ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

ISS battery "de-orbit" burnup?

In reading these two questions: How many kilograms of nickel particles will be dispersed in Earth's atmosphere by dumping old ISS batteries overboard? and Why does it take so long for ISS garbage ...
Milwrdfan's user avatar
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What Apollo equipment could be salvaged from the Moon?

If humans returned to the original Apollo landing sites, what previously left-behind equipment could reasonably be salvaged as part of a future mission or colony? That is, is everything that was left ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Do plasticizers evaporate in space?

A recent statement in an answer got me wondering. I looked and could not find an answer on Polymers (think plastic cladding on wires) has "plasticizers", which make it elastic instead of ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How long will the Tesla Roadster's heliocentric orbit last?

The long term prospects for the integrity of the Roadster and to a lesser extent its seat belted occupant have been addressed in the answers and discussion below Can I drive Elon Musk's Tesla after it'...
Uzer's user avatar
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Can I freshen my clothes on the ISS with a clothes line?

There are a number of questions about washing clothes on the ISS, the short answer is that they do NOT wash them. Nudism in space: Why wear clothes anyway? Washing clothes in space: are there any ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

What is the life expectancy of Starman and his car? [duplicate]

What is the life expectancy of starman and his vehicle if they either reach mars, or somehow miss and remain in space?
janedoe's user avatar
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Where are the keys for Elon Musk's (Starman's) Tesla Roadster?

In this question, the OP posits that the keys will be in the ignition if/when the Roadster is ever recovered. I haven't yet found anything that notes where the keys actually are, and in the images ...
pbeentje's user avatar
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