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10 votes
1 answer

Why did Agena lose out to Centaur?

Agena and Centaur are both rocket upper stage families that were designed in the late 1950s. Agena was used as a rendezvous target during Gemini, and was last used in 1987. In contrast, Centaurs ...
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3 votes
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Why did the Agena-D leak oxidiser when starting its engine?

The Agena-D upper stage, although extremely reliable, had a tendency to leak some of its RFNA oxidiser when starting its Bell 8096 engine; although not a problem for a stock Agena-D, it did cause ...
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7 votes
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How did Gemini/Agena rendezvous?

From this Wikipedia article, the time to launch between the two missions was 1 hour 41 minutes (15:00 and 16:41 UTC, respectively), which is pretty much 1 orbit in LEO. That would give a nodal ...
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