Questions tagged [airlock]

Questions about airlocks, used to exit a space craft, without venting all the interior atmosphere.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Could a Ferroliquid airlock work?

After looking at the previous question on liquid airlocks, I noted that the main problem with technology is that the force of gravity is far too weak on any body that an airlock would be a useful ...
Aron's user avatar
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What is the efficiency of current airlock designs

I know that current airlocks in space cannot be 100% efficient. There must be some loss in atmosphere or in the very least a certain amount of power consumption. Can someone find statistics that ...
anon's user avatar
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What is the mass of the Cabin Air Rack of the Quest Joint Airlock?

And where should I have looked for this information? The mass of the avionics rack would also be nice.
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