Questions tagged [animals]

Questions regarding the use of living organisms from kingdom Animalia for space exploration.

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Why exactly did Khrushchev present Pushinka to JFK's daughter Caroline?

Pushinka (Fluffy) was the name of one of the Strelka's (Arrow's) six pups that she had after being safely landed to Earth from orbit to which it was launched aboard Vostok-1K rocket No. 2 on 19 August ...
TildalWave's user avatar
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Was Miss Able's button-pushing experiment cancelled, or did it malfunction?

Miss Able was the first American animal to return alive from space, along with her co-passenger Miss Baker. She was supposed to press a telegraph button under her right hand, in response to a ...
DrSheldon's user avatar
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Cats and dogs in microgravity; how much information is there on their locomotive ability or adaptability in space? Is there anything at all?

Cats and dogs are both known to be very popular pets for humans around the world and have been bred for thousands of years for this purpose. Destin Sandlin's Slow Motion Flipping Cat Physics | Smarter ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Number of nonhuman primates dead in space exploration

This statue, "Sam", in Riga, Latvia, is dedicated to the animal cosmonauts who perished during space flight experiments. As far as I know, there were a lot of dead dogs on space flights, ...
Ginasius's user avatar
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What was the correct origin of Miss Able's name?

Miss Able was an Army rhesus monkey who is regarded as the first American animal to survive return from space, along with her Navy squirrel monkey co-passenger Miss Baker. I have found conflicting ...
DrSheldon's user avatar
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What was the first "all-civilian" animal spaceflight?

As long as SpaceX is (inaccurately) claiming the "first all-civilian spaceflight", what was the first spaceflight with animals that were all "civilians"? That is, they had never ...
DrSheldon's user avatar
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