Questions tagged [astronaut-lifestyle]

Questions regarding how astronauts live in space, including day to day activities, chores, etc.

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4 votes
1 answer

Do we have motion sickness in zero gravity? [duplicate]

In zero gravity, the vestibular system (which is responsible for feeling the balance) doesn't work since the fluids in it don't move properly in absent of significant gravitational force. Does it also ...
Zoltán Schmidt's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Without renewable resources, how do you wipe in space?

I have looked around a bit, Wikipedia has an article on space toilets and one on toilet paper, but the two don't seem to be used together. According to one reference, annual consumption of toilet ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
62 votes
3 answers

Washing clothes in space: are there any technical challenges?

Currently, the ISS is resupplied with fresh clothes from the Earth. I remember reading a report on NTRS stating that the requirements for fresh clothes proved to be much higher than expected. Thus, ...
Deer Hunter's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How do people drink from cups in Space?

How do people drink from cups (an activity which heavily relies on the presence of gravity) in space? I know they could try to wait for the liquid to 'split up' and try to catch a chunk, but is there ...
Chandough's user avatar
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