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Questions tagged [bandwidth]

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Inter-satellite/Inter-platform communication requirements

I am studying Inter-satellite/Inter-platform links and would like to compute the link budget: Satellite-Satellite or HAP to HAP ( high altitude platform). For my computation, I am looking for a ...
Aid22's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Effective bandwidth for Mars rovers to Earth

I'm interested in what the effective bandwidth is for, in particular, the Curiosity and Perseverance rovers back to Earth. By 'effective' I mean 'averaged over a sufficiently long period', so at least ...
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1 answer

General overview of how deep space communications performed

What frequency bands and general classes of antennas are used to communicate with deep space spacecraft? As an example, if we place a cubesat in orbit around Io, what would the antenna need to be ...
Valentino Zaffrani's user avatar
2 votes
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Larger data rate, Oneweb or Starlink? [closed]

Which satellite constellation will provide the larger downlink data rate, in total and per satellite, Oneweb or Starlink? My consideration: starlink will operate in a lower orbit, with more ...
Peter's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Could "live" video be transmitted from Mars?

With the approach of InSight to Mars today, and the two cubesats watching it, much is being made about seeing "Live Video" from the cubesats. I'm pretty sure that simply can't happen, but I'm ...
PearsonArtPhoto's user avatar
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