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Questions tagged [cubesat]

Type of satellite in the shape of a cube 10 cm on each side. Popular with academics and amateurs with a focus on off-the-shelf components.

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6 votes
2 answers

Is the Rocket Lab launch scheduled for May 31 only launching a tiny cubesat?

According to Rocket Lab's website, their Electron can launch 300kg to low Earth orbit. But the PREFIRE cubesat, according to NASA is a 6U cubesat with an 'average weight' for 6U cubesats of .91kg. I ...
7 votes
2 answers

Advantages/disadvantages of wood for surface of cubesat?

Generally aluminum and kapton are the exterior surfaces of a cubesat. A Finnish/ESA cubesat, the WISA/Woodsat was launched that has plywood panels. It has protection against offgassing and very low ...
1 vote
0 answers

Bundle Protocol/Licklider Transmission Protocols needed for TM case in cubesat as per CCSDS standard?

As per CCSDS standard, there is no ARQ mechanism present for Telementry(TM) case. Based on spec it will be taken care by upper layer protocols. So in this case, can we use simple FTP for Cubesat? or ...
2 votes
0 answers

Which affordable magnetometer to purchase?

I am involved in a CubeSat team that will fly a mission in low earth orbit. I will be working on ADCS so would like to gain experience with the magnetometer. I am just not sure which one to buy. Is ...
4 votes
1 answer

How will NASA's software for autonomous navigation in cis-lunar space be tested; what information is processed, what outputs evaluated?

note: it's been a year and a half and Capstone is scheduled to be launched soon, so perhaps there is more information available now? NASA news item NASA Funds CubeSat Pathfinder Mission to Unique ...
14 votes
2 answers

Have there ever been cubesats in GEO?

This answer to the question How often do reaction wheels require desaturation, normally? says: One practical example I know of is for a 6U in GEO that is always sun pointed, there's a thruster ...
2 votes
2 answers

What is ascent venting?

I am writing a report on CubeSat construction, and while reading Cal Poly's CDS I encountered the concept of ascent venting (or more specifically, the constraint that 'ascent venting per ventable ...
3 votes
2 answers

Has Demonstrator-1 2021-006BX demonstrated a hydrogen-oxygen combustion engine fueled by electrolysis yet?

NASA's NASA CubeSat to Demonstrate Water-Fueled Moves in Space says: A NASA CubeSat will launch into low-Earth orbit to demonstrate a new type of propulsion system. Carrying a pint of liquid water as ...
4 votes
0 answers

Atomic oxygen and UV Radiation qualification tests for a cubesat

I'm the Assembly, Integration and Verification Engineer of a cubesat project developed by students. Currently I'm trying to create the specifications for our payloads upcoming (mon)atomic oxygen (ATOX)...
1 vote
1 answer

how to procure a Launch vehicle for injecting a cubesat into LEO at LOW COST?

Me and my team are working on sending Cubesats just beyond the Karmann line. For which we obviously need a launch vehicle and would like to procure one or if possible build one. If any aerospace ...
-4 votes
2 answers

Russell's Teapot - has it been done yet?

Has anyone sent a china teapot into orbit, to "solve" the long standing Russell's Teapot argument? I realize this is a "joke" endevour, but with the advent of easily available ...
3 votes
1 answer

CubeSat dispensers: amplify or dampen vibration loads on spacecraft?

CubeSat world: has anybody run a vibration test where you put accelerometers both on the dispenser (or shaker plate) and your spacecraft inside the dispenser? For the SunCET CubeSat, we're trying to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Selfie from space with AWS Groundstation

I hope this question fits this community! While browsing r/AWS today I read about someone who was able to make a "space selfie" with AWS Groundstation: The progress is detailed further down ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to "turn off" ADCS system to monitor orientation after firing MDT's?

I've been tasked in a hypothetical mission of determining if an Attitude Determination and Control System (ADACS) can be "turned off" during MEMS Digital Thruster (MDT) firings so that the ...
5 votes
1 answer

help understanding this complicated structure that will deploy HySIS

This ISRO page for the HysYS spacecraft says: HysIS, the primary satellite of PSLV-C43 mission, weighing about 380 kg, is an earth observation satellite configured around ISRO’s Mini Satellite-2 (...
3 votes
3 answers

Have amateur satellites ever experimented with optical communications?

I meant to include the more recent amateur satellites such as cubesats, and also amateur radio satellites - where the heritage of amateur satellite building (mostly) has its roots. Have amateur ...
2 votes
1 answer

Where can I find citeable material on radiation shielding solutions utilized on different test missions?

I'm having a hard time finding citeable material on what different radiation shielding solutions different test missions have utilized. So far I've found that: SpectroCube only shields its most ...
2 votes
0 answers

6U , 12U Deployer / Dispenser, helpful criteria we might use for selection?

as a member of a group of students that builds 6U and 12U Cubesats for different projects I am interested in knowing the average cost of a 6U and a 12U deployer. Also, beyond cost, what are some other ...
5 votes
2 answers

What is the effective "range" of a Falcon Heavy rocket with a very small payload?

Theoretically, If I decided to blow millions of dollars on a Falcon Heavy launch, simply to launch a 2kg cubesat as far as possible, how far could i send the payload assuming no gravity assists?
1 vote
0 answers

Local space radiation measurement by 1U CubeSat

As far as I know, the general influx of ionizing radiation received by a CubeSat in LEO is mostly trapped protons and electrons, solar protons, galactic cosmic radiation, and neutrons. If the CubeSat ...
3 votes
1 answer

What body of regulations (if any) would apply to a cubesat with an SDR on board?

For example: the FUNcube Dongle Pro+ is a USB Software Defined Radio receiver, or SDR. It provides a digitized 192kHz wide chunk of IF (intermediate frequency) via high speed USB interface. Generally ...
1 vote
1 answer

Moon landing with ion thrusters

In Kerbal space program I built a mini cubesat (similar to NASA’s lunar flashlight probe) and managed to land on the moon only using ion thrusters. However, it was risky because it took a few tries. ...
8 votes
1 answer

What is the longest working cubesat?

For example VZLUSAT-1 is 5 years old and it is still working.
12 votes
1 answer

Are the Artemis 1 secondary payloads still viable?

Artemis 1 carries ten cubesats as secondary payloads. One of the concerns prior to the last rollback, in September, was that the batteries were almost out of charge and that there was no way to ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to compute orbital decay of a cubesat?

I'd like to compute the orbital decay of a cubesat in LEO/VLEO due to atmospheric drag. Here is what I've done: Based on the Satellite Orbital Decay Calculations document coming from the Australian ...
9 votes
1 answer

I'm building a CubeSat for a short 8-day mission in LEO followed by a fairly quick reentry, what range of orbits to consider?

The goal of this CubeSat mission is to demonstrate CubeSat construction, operation, and communication in Low Earth orbit for 8 days or longer. Why the short mission time? Because the mission lacks ...
5 votes
2 answers

Have any satellites had lights visible from Earth besides FITSat-1?

Clearly not a duplicate! of Why does the International Space Station have a downward facing light? This answer to How does the Starlink satellite shine? begins with Starlink (and other satellites) ...
1 vote
0 answers

Guidance and control inputs in autonomous satellites

I would like to know which are the standard navigation data available on a small satellite (in LEO). In particular, I'm trying to understand which inputs I should consider for the Guidance&Control ...
0 votes
0 answers

A hybrid micropropulsion system for CubeSats

I am curious about how much potential would a hybrid (electric & chemical) micropropulsion system have for CubeSats. The chosen propellant is water due to its non toxic nature, cheap cost and high ...
3 votes
2 answers

How will the LICIACube cubesat transmit DART impact images back to Earth? What kind of antenna and radio will it use?

MarCO The Mars Cube Ones or MarCOs were 6U cubesats that were deployed in deep space during the InSight mission to observe it during a critical, dynamic period of its mission, in this case the N ...
9 votes
0 answers

Has there ever been a deliberate "Find A Satellite" challenge? Actually, could there be?

Companies often offer rewards for finding security issues in their products or their own IT systems, and hackathons have a long history. I'm just wondering if there has ever been a deliberate ...
3 votes
1 answer

3U CubeSat components

as a project for school, we are designing a preliminary conceptual 3U CubeSat design. The mission is to launch in orbit at 1,000 km and Maintain orbit for 1 month. After orbit is maintained for 1 ...
3 votes
0 answers

What is actually happening in this full mission rehearsal of CAPSTONE's propulsion hardware?

NASA Ames's feature CAPSTONE’s CubeSat Prepares for Lunar Flight says CAPSTONE will use a hydrazine-fueled propulsion system during most of its three- to four- month journey to the Moon. This line of ...
15 votes
3 answers

Cubesats in lunar orbit and beyond - how does communication work?

Somewhere I read that there are serious plans to send a cubesat into lunar orbit. A few years ago, the ISS was also offering a launch opportunity for such a mission. I guess that it was actually ...
3 votes
0 answers

Why put both Orbex and Rocket Labs on adjacent launch pads in Scotland?

update 2: BBC's May 11, 2022 Scottish spaceport's prototype rocket unveiled update 1: There's some recent and potentially helpful information in NASA Spaceflight September 4, 2019 UK Spaceport at ...
8 votes
1 answer

Could an articulated permanent magnet work as a low-power cubesat magnetotorquer? Problems?

Conventional magnetotorquers for cubesats are electromagnets that produce torque in the Earth's magnetic field, and nearly all of the power they use just heats the copper through $\text{I}^2 \text{R}$ ...
2 votes
0 answers

Solar sail for a 3U cubesat: do we have to buy one or can we design one?

We are working on a conceptual design for a 3U CubeSat with solar sail propulsion; we aren’t actually building one or buying one. However we still need to make decisions like whether to build our own ...
1 vote
0 answers

CubeSat's ConOps implementation as a FSM with thread management [closed]

Can anyone shed light on this for me: How would you implement a Concept of Operations of a CubeSat as a Finite State Machine that manages each thread's priority? Thank you !
4 votes
1 answer

What is the average solar irradiation in low earth orbit?

I am trying to figure out how much power I can expect for a CubeSat in Low Earth Orbit. Is there some dataset or constant that describes the average rate of solar irradiation (per unit of area) in LEO?...
25 votes
3 answers

How serious a problem can outgassing of satellites be?

As I was reading the Cubesat standard, one of requirements is low outgassing "to prevent contamination of other spacecraft". It also gives a link to a NASA-approved list of low outgassing ...
6 votes
4 answers

Why put SunRISE in the graveyard? Why will it "fly slightly above geosynchronous orbit"?

The article NASA’s SunRISE Mission Studying Solar Particle Storms Moves Toward Launch says that the upcoming SunRISE mission — short for the Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment — ...
3 votes
1 answer

Has a cubesat ever caused a problem for another spacecraft? Examples? Close calls?

Cubesats can pose some unique challenges; they are small and so potentially a little harder to track, have larger area/mass so more subject to forces that can change their trajectories, are often less ...
3 votes
0 answers

Are LHCP L-Band antennas for Cubesats available?

I am designing a cubesat to carry out GNSS reflectometry or GNSS-R. To collect the earth reflected signals, I need a nadir pointing array of patch antennas, with Left Hand Circular Polarisation (LHCP) ...
7 votes
0 answers

Do deployments of multiple cubesats generally obey proposed guidelines such as 20 seconds or more between deployments at 5 m/s or faster?

This answer to What can be done in future mass-cubesat deploys to make them “less irksome” to orbital space debris experts? links to Space Traffic Safety: A New Self-Governance Approach for the ...
5 votes
2 answers

How do I calculate what antenna I need for my cubesat?

If I want to make a communication satellite, like MarCO, what formulas do I need to calculate the perfect antenna? Is there a difference between the X-Band and the classic UHF? If the cubesat is ...
1 vote
0 answers

What is a good SNR value for a chipsat in LEO using bpsk?

My team and I are working on a chipsat and we are planning on launching it to LEO, we've also planned using bpsk. However our use case is a bit different, all we need once it is in LEO is a ...
1 vote
1 answer

How does a 22 dBi X-band "patch" antenna get so much gain and how well behaved is its high-gain radiation pattern?

@NgPh's answer to How will the LICIACube cubesat transmit DART impact images back to Earth? What kind of antenna and radio will it use? quotes LICIACube on DART mission: an asteroid impact captured by ...
4 votes
0 answers

How well does wood thermally perform in space applications?

Wondering if there are any studies about using wood as a material for insulation in spacecraft? My specific question is does anyone have any experience with it working as an insulator? I remember a ...
5 votes
2 answers

How can the two MarCO cubesats remain reliably close to InSight during their six month trip to Mars?

According to the NASA JPL web page Mars Cube One (MarCO) Mission Overview and the YouTube video MarCO: First Interplanetary CubeSat Mission linked there, after the Centaur upper stage deploys InSight, ...
4 votes
1 answer

There are only a few suppliers of optical terminals: what is the reason?

I am conducting research into optical free space communication and small/nano satellites in LEO. I have found only a few companies which supply lasercom (laser communication) terminals (transmitter/...

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