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Questions tagged [gimbaled-engines]

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Main engine gimballing in Saturn V

The first stage of Saturn V has 5 main F-1 engines, but only 4 of the outer engines can gimbal and the engine at the center was fixed (Source :
Prasanna B's user avatar
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Actuator bandwidth [closed]

What is the relationship between the slew rate of the linear actuator and bandwidth? What should be the slew rate if I want 5 Hz actuator bandwidth? For more details:- I'm using a 2nd transfer ...
RJS's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Does the Merlin vacuum engine on SpaceX's Falcon 9 gimbal?

SpaceX uses the Merlin Vacuum engine on the second stage of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle. Does the merlin vacuum engine gimbal or does the second stage uses only nitrogen cold gas thrusters for ...
Ashvin's user avatar
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2 votes
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New Glenn/Shepard gimbal engine actuators: hydraulic or electric?

Falcon 9 uses hydraulic cylinders with RP-1 fuel as the hydraulic fluid to actuate the engine gimbals. They do this for stage 1 and stage 2, both of which use RP-1 for fuel. But New Glenn uses methane ...
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6 votes
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Solid state thrust vectoring

Usually thrust vectoring for the whole rocket is done by changing the orientation of individual engine(s) by hydraulic/electric actuators. So in this system the engine simply moves and with it the ...
Kozuch's user avatar
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Gimbal Check: Before or After Engine Ignition?

Is the engine gimbal check done before or after ignition? Also curious: How many seconds does the check take? What does it consist of? Do they gimbal each engine separately, or do they gimbal all ...
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10 votes
2 answers

Falcon 9 TVC: Which engines participate in roll control?

Stage 1 of Falcon 9 uses its gimballed engines during launch to control roll, pitch, and yaw. Only the eight peripheral engines can be used for roll control since the center engine couldn't possibly ...
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16 votes
1 answer

Why did the SSMEs gimbal during ignition?

During Shuttle ignition sequence: the engines always slightly gimbal closer together as they reach full combustion (I'm guessing, from the plume appearance). Why?
Anton Hengst's user avatar
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4 votes
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How does an Atlas V control roll?

My understanding is that you want to control roll in a rocket, along with the other directions. An Atlas V has a single RD-180 engine but I didn't see anything about vernier engines. I guess the RD-...
Greg's user avatar
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2 answers

How are New Shepard's tilting fins and gimbaling nozzle used together (or separately) to control the rocket?

In the beginning of the video Blue Origin New Shepard self-landing rocket launch with 38 research payloads (5/2/2019) the announcer mentions that both the tilting fins and the BE-3 engine nozzle ...
uhoh's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is there an upper stage main engine that is human ratable and may out perform the Common Extensible Cyrogenic Engine performance by Aerojet?

I am fasinated by Aerojet. The CECE, has a total qualified burn time of 10,000 seconds and with a total of 50 restarts. The LOX/LH2 engines have a great performance with a specific impulse of > 445. ...
user28833's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How is gimbal angle calculated?

When a rocket is knocked its intended flight course by wind, how is the gimbal angle calculated to return the rocket to its courses? Like, if the rocket intended course is 90 degrees straight off, and ...
itisyeetimetoday's user avatar
5 votes
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How much mass does a gimbal mechanism add to a rocket?

After reading the question Did any rockets use differential throttling instead of gimbal? I wonder what the additional mass of a gimbal system is. How would the mass of a launch vehicle change if the ...
Everyday Astronaut's user avatar
4 votes
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Actuators for gimbaling of engine in rockets and launch vehicles

For controlling the rockets to stay on course, continuous engine control is require which is done by using gimbal actuators. What type of gimbal actuators have been used on SSME, Rocketlab's ...
Amar's user avatar
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What is the highest gimbal range ever used on an engine?

This answer here mentions the STS-94's ability to gimbal up to 20 degrees in all directions, that got me thinking, what exactly is the maximum ever feasibly implemented? I've seen a lot of information ...
Magic Octopus Urn's user avatar
6 votes
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How common is the ability to compensate for a lost engine through gimbaling?

Discussing a system of regulating thrust through lighting/extinguishing engine pairs, I was met with a reply: Really there is no need to treat engines as a pair in this context. In fact, beyond ...
SF.'s user avatar
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3 answers

What is the purpose of the "shaft" and "block" in these two different engine gimbal joints?

This question refers to the device which transfers the thrust force from the engine to the vehicle while allowing the engine to swivel - the "gimbal joint". Both the F-1 and SSME have a bolt- or ...
Organic Marble's user avatar
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Have any vehicles used asymmetrically variable thrust for active stabilisation? [duplicate]

Have there been any tests or attempts at developing a propulsion system that uses variable thrust for attitude control (particularly during launch)? Conventional systems often use fully gimballed ...
Jack's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Merlin 1D Engine [closed]

How does the Merlin engine work? How does it's working compare to the working of SuperDraco engine? To be more specific, What features of Merlin make it unique and more efficient than other rocket ...
Jay's user avatar
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4 votes
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How are rockets gimballed to produce a gravity turn for the space shuttle?

I'm trying to simulate a gravity turn using a gimbaled thruster. I'm using the dynamical system described in a previous post of mine to execute a gravity turn by changing the angle $\phi_T$ between ...
Paul's user avatar
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16 votes
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Did any rockets use differential throttling instead of gimbal?

It seems the standard approach to control of rockets during launch is either vernier thrusters, or gimbals on the main engines. Sure that works, and is quite efficient, but I wonder about a simpler ...
SF.'s user avatar
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7 votes
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SpaceX Engine Mounting / Gimbaling

Inspired by the discussion on What are the two very large "blue" cylinders attaching to the combustion chamber of each Rutherford Engine? and especially jkavalik's excellent picture of the ...
Organic Marble's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

How can a deep-space spacecraft determine in real time the direction of delta-v?

My spacecraft knows it wants to add a certain delta-v in a certain direction to its motion, relative to the stars. It will calculate current mass based on propellant usage history, which hasn't been ...
uhoh's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Is it pretty much a given that all deep-space spacecraft have gimbaled engines?

I'm starting to see a pattern. Both this answer about Cassini liquid propellant engine and this answer about ion thrusters discuss a particular necessity for gimbaling engines to keep thrust aligned ...
uhoh's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How does a rocket navigate during launch?

From what I understand, a rocket changes its direction during launch by gimbaling its engines (i.e. swiveling the engine nozzles so the thrust of the engine points in the correct direction). But what ...
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