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How do you avoid wasting oxidizer when designing a hybrid rocket?

I was thinking of designing a very simple and small Paraffin rocket engine as an experiment. One thing that I don't understand about these designs is how you efficiently use your oxidizer without a ...
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Could you use Helium as an oxidizer? [closed]

I am trying to create an HRE (Hybrid Rocket Engine) and i am trying to find the best oxidizer. Do any of you have experience with using helium?
Coen van Woudenberg's user avatar
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Are there any complications of the position of the oxidizer injector on Orbitec's vortex rocket engine?

Orbitec's vortex rocket engine injects oxidizer from near the nozzle up the wall of the engine chamber in a vortex. The oxidizer injector being in this position seems unusual. Are there any ...
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