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Questions tagged [launch-assist]

Methods of helping launch rockets using methods other than rocket stages, such as mass drivers, high altitude launch, and other approaches.

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2 votes
1 answer

More feasible geometries for counter rotating variable pitch mechanical launch system?

Included as a source in recent answers was this paper which while focusing on a tethered ring design best described as ambitious included maths for a mostly mechanical space gun system starting on ...
GremlinWranger's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Using Chimborazo as a rocket launching platform

Please consider this. Chimborazo is a sleeping volcano at 01°28′09″ S 78°49′03″ W. Its peak is 6263 metres above the sea level and because it is very near of the equator, the peak is more than 2 ...
Timppa's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

What are the biggest challenges for high altitude rail-gun launch systems?

Use a maglev railgun for initial acceleration - in a new, hyperbolic tunnel facing eastward - this exits from the burrowed -undergrade- track to Equadors' Mt. Chimborazo peak - (a mountaintop both 6 ...
Quentin Parker's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Reaction Drive Launch Catapult

I want to suggest a variation on the launch catapult. The rocket assembly is accelerated vertically through momentum transfer, by a reaction driver on the ground. In concept the driver would be a ...
hans j haucke's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What barriers are there to creating a reusable rocket sled lanchpad? [duplicate]

The ideal rocket sled launch is building a track that accelerates a rocket (via linear motors or something like that) up the side of a tall mountain. Not only could this save huge amounts of fuel, but ...
B T's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

What would make a rocket sled launch feasible?

Wikipedia introduces the idea of a Rocket Sled Launch (also catapult launch, ramped launch, etc) as follows: With this concept the launch vehicle is supported by an eastward pointing rail or maglev ...
Bobson's user avatar
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38 votes
9 answers

Why don't we use catapults to get to space?

Stupid question obviously. But did you ever had an idea which sounded so brilliant, but you know it is totally stupid? So, lets hear my idea: Do you know how we launch jet fighters from navy ships? ...
Pavel Janicek's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is non-evacuated tube maglev launch possible? [duplicate]

I heard about evacuated tube transportation technology and it's application to launch cargo or even shuttles to space. Example of such project would be StarTram. The fact that acceleration phase to ...
Marek's user avatar
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