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Riding out an exploding rocket

It is known that at least some of Challenger's crew survived the explosion, while conscious. If the cabin had a parachute, they may have lived. This is despite the Space Shuttle stack being one of the ...
Abdullah is not an Amalekite's user avatar
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Why are launch escape towers jettisoned early?

Why are launch escape towers usually jettisoned fairly early in the flight? What if a problem went wrong during an upper stage burn and the escape tower had already been jettisoned? I know that ...
Jake Blocker's user avatar
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Why were ejection seats used in Project Gemini instead of a tower escape system?

In Project Gemini, the Titan II GLV space rocket used as fuel hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide, so safety concerns over its toxic propellants were present. But along with the special care that was ...
Mark777's user avatar
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When have astronauts been launched without launch escape system (tower)?

The Vostok spacecraft used by Yuri Gagarin seems to have had an "ejection seat". The Soyuz launcher has an escape tower, which at least once saved its crew. The space shuttle of course did not have ...
LocalFluff's user avatar
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Why was Dragon sent to the isolation room?

I'm asking about this photograph that was published on SpaceX Flickr photostream, which I also noticed in a few recent articles (e.g. this one) about the upcoming Crew Dragon pad abort test: SpaceX ...
TildalWave's user avatar
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Why is the descent module of the Soyuz in the middle of its stack?

The Soyuz is made up of three major components/modules. The Orbital module on top, basically a sphere, which is basically extra room, and contains the toilet, which allows for some modicum of ...
geoffc's user avatar
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What kind of launch escape system (LES) does Dream Chaser have?

What kind of launch escape system will be aboard Dream Chaser?
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