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Why was the LES on Apollo white?

In below images they’re red for Mercury (both on the Redstone and Atlas boosters). But the Apollo ones are white. Why were the Launch Escape Systems of Apollo white?
Blue Skin and Glowing Red Eyes's user avatar
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How was the Stabilo crewed re-entry vehicle supposed to work? A tractor engine with four nozzles?

ARCA Space's webpage for the Stabilo program has a description and an image. Hydrogen peroxide monopropellant? Reaction closer to the crew than the nozzle? With thrust at the top, it seems that ...
uhoh's user avatar
  • 151k
16 votes
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Why is the descent module of the Soyuz in the middle of its stack?

The Soyuz is made up of three major components/modules. The Orbital module on top, basically a sphere, which is basically extra room, and contains the toilet, which allows for some modicum of ...
geoffc's user avatar
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