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4 votes
1 answer

The coolant leaks on the ISS and associated spaceships: are they still mysterious?

Are the real reasons now known that caused the leaks in the Soyouz, Progress and heater exchange devices on the Nauka module causing the loss of that special liquid and giving a lot of troubles to ...
ray's user avatar
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How important is the radiator suspected of leaking on the Soyuz?

NASA has released a rather blithe blog about the Soyuz leak that occurred On Wednesday, Dec. 14, an external leak was detected from the Roscosmos Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft docked to the Rassvet module ...
Machavity's user avatar
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How long would it take for air to completely leak from a spacecraft?

If a spacecraft of volume V was leaking air of density rho as a mass flow rate of m-dot can you calculate the time for all the air to leak out using (rho x V)/m-dot? rho would decrease and m-dot ...
Jez Turner's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

If there's a hole in Zvezda module, why didn't all the air onboard immediately escape into space?

The ISS is leaking through a hole in the Zvezda module that still hasn't been found. However, as with all pressurized chambers, shouldn't all air instantly run out through the hole into the vacuum of ...
Greenhorn's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

Tea bags to find the leak on the International Space Station?

Katya Pavlushchenko (@katlinegrey)'s tweet says: Here’s some of today’s news from the ISS. First of all, the leak was finally found (thanks to the tea bag). Anatoly Ivanishin sent photos to the ...
uhoh's user avatar
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8 votes
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How many leaks have been fixed on the ISS, roughly?

Leaks come in all sizes. Very small ones might be ignored or remain undetected, slightly faster ones might be identified and dispositioned; if they are slow and going to remain stable, they might not ...
uhoh's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

What is the big hole next to the 2mm hole that caused the 2018-08-30 Soyuz MS-09 / ISS leak?

The small hole in this picture is being reported as the cause of the ISS leak. What is the large hole next to it on the perpendicular surface? The one that appears to have been drilled by an amatuer ...
foobarbecue's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

How could the 2018-08-30 Soyuz MS-09 / ISS leak be so slow?

The leak reportedly led the ISS to lose 0.8 millibars of air pressure per hour, which is both big considering what was at stake and low for a 2-mm hole when the outside is near to complete vacuum. Am ...
tsnobip's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

Did NASA "publish", then "delete" this and other photos of the ISS leak?

A tweet by @NASASpaceflight (Chris B - NSF, "Managing Editor of" says: ISS Leak summary: First thought was MMOD strike. Then NASA released pics. Lots of people: "...
uhoh's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Was Alexander Gerst the first man to have bare skin exposed to the vacuum of space and live?

On August 30, 2018, a hole was found in the Soyuz Orbital Module on the ISS. Astronaut Alexander Gerst initially plugged it with his thumb, meaning a part of his bare skin touched space. I can't find ...
PearsonArtPhoto's user avatar
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