Questions tagged [magnitude]

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What is Earth's apparent magnitude from geosynchronous orbit?

How bright is a "full Earth" from geosynchronous altitude (22,200 mi) and would it be dangerous to look at a full Earth for too long from that distance without wearing a dimmed visor?
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Seeing stars from cislunar space?

Did any of the Apollo astronauts describe seeing the stars as they travelled between the Earth and the Moon? If so, what was the magnitude of the dimmest stars they could see? Were they able to see ...
Bob516's user avatar
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What magnitude stars were seen from lunar surface?

I've seen a claim* that some of the Apollo astronauts stepped into the shadow of the LM, raised their gold visors, and looked up into the sky to see the stars. If this is true any mention of what ...
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Can any aspect of the brightness of Martian twilight be determined by Curiosity's photo of Earth? [duplicate]

Curiosity took this image of Earth on Jan. 31, 2014, 80 minutes after sunset. Stellarium has the Earth >15° above the horizon 80 minutes after sunset on that day. With Stellarium indicating the ...
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