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Questions tagged [mining]

Questions about the extraction of materials from other planets or asteroids.

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2 votes
1 answer

Could Phobos or Deimos be a good target for mining?

Phobos could be loaded with iron, magnesium, and other metals of sorts. Because of the mineralogy of the moon, could it become a useful target for future plans similar to asteroid mining? Phobos and ...
classof2024's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

If we could mine asteroids, how would we get the stuff mined from said asteroid back to earth?

I was thinking of some contraption that would suck up the material from said asteroid and put it in some type of container thingy that would then be transported to a shuttle that would then get sent ...
classof2024's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Could asteroid mining benefit human kind?

If we ever set out into space to mine stuff like asteroids, and utilized the resources from said asteroid, would we be a more advanced civilization (when I mean advanced I mean like building stuff ...
classof2024's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Using Dragon and Polaris Dawn to dock with near Earth asteroids

There is a planned launch from SpaceX called Polaris Dawn; for a modified Dragon capsule, currently planned for early summer 2024, with the ability to depressurize and allow astronauts to do a space ...
estinamir's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How much is the estimated amount of ilmenite present on Lunar surface?

I wanted to gauge estimated amount of ilmenite that can be extracted from Lunar regolith. From that, ultimately I want to derive the amount of oxygen that can be extracted out of it. Any estimate or ...
Prayag's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

The reason for using TiN on the perserverance's drill

Why did NASA use TiN coating for Perseverance's drill instead of coatings like TiAlN, AlTiN, TiAlCrN? I'm aware of the point of the TiN coating in terms of contamination, but it's a broad topic. ...
Mikołaj's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Could mirrors used in a Dyson Swarm be made from asteroids in the inner asteroid belt?

In this video from Kurzgesagt they said that one would need to disassemble a whole planet to build a Dyson swarm around the sun. The video went on about mining Mercury and using the materials ...
The Rocket fan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is the prevalence of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the asteroid belt and in comets?

As someone with a light background in controlled-environment agriculture, I'm familiar with the importance and use of N/P/K in growing useful plants. This got me thinking about how common these ...
Michael Bonnet's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Will Ataxite be the type of nickel-iron sought for asteroid mining?

The high value metals in meteorites and asteroids - mostly Platinum Group Metals - appear associated with the nickel content (The Occurrence of Platinum in Meteorites, F. G. Hawley,1939), ie the ...
Ken Fabian's user avatar
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What could we produce with a space based industry?

The astroid belt is great place to start humanity’s journey through space. I want to know, what materials and items could be produced from asteroids. I’m mainly going to ask for useful items, such ...
11111's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How could we extract xenon from asteroids and comets?

Xenon is a propellant for next which is a very good thruster. VASIMIR, which uses much more abundant hydrogen is under development and may not ready by the time we run out of resources. So, how ...
11111's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

A Philae Lander (like) anchoring harpoons on M-Type (metallic) asteroid. Can a nail gun and the effect of Cold Welding be a working solution?

Everyone knows what happened to Philae lander (Rosetta mission). It is hard to predict the reliability of anchoring points before we know surface conditions on the asteroid. On the other hand, it is ...
TheMatrix Equation-balance's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to maintain balance and center of gravity when pushing a 100-ton piece of asteroid?

I understand that rotating momentum around a fixed axis can help with the center of balance. But is it enough? In my case, a space tug has to burn its engine for 1 min, accelerate a 100-ton piece of ...
TheMatrix Equation-balance's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What would be the most fuel-efficient propulsion solution to accelerate a 100-ton piece of NEO asteroid towards Earth?

We need acceleration to about 300-500 m/s relative to an NEO asteroid - to get to an LEO. What is needed is the lightest package possible, that includes engine, fuel tanks, control module and ...
TheMatrix Equation-balance's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

1 kiloton nuclear device to clear up debris and dust to expose the iron-nickel core for open-pit mining (on M-Type asteroids)?

My understanding is that initial acceleration from the blast and following solar wind will clear the area around the asteroid for spacecraft navigation (in reasonable time). A 2-3 kilometer M-type ...
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-4 votes
2 answers

Can Nuclear Pulse Propulsion (Project Orion) accelerate a 100,000 ton M-type (metallic) asteroid to a LEO? [closed]

Project Orion: specific impulse in the range of 6,000 seconds. For example – Starship Interplanetary (SpaceX): Max Fuel (after refueling at orbit) - 1,950 ton Fuel left after arriving at NEO asteroid –...
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1 vote
3 answers

Could we by ordinary mining activities, affect the Lunar orbit?

In The Time Machine (Guy Pearce version), they manage to literally break up the Earth's moon with obviously disastrous results and I believe they were just building underground structures. I am ...
releseabe's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How realistic are the required fluorine mining quantities for terraforming Mars compared to the real mining practices on Earth?

Energy balance calculations in the JGR article Radiative-convective model of warming Mars with artificial greenhouse gases suggest that the addition of 0.2 Pa of the best greenhouse gases mixture (15%...
Cornelis's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Is there any evidence from previous missions to asteroids that said asteroids have minable minerals?

Claims about asteroid mining talk about how many resources are on each asteroid, with claims of "trillions of dollars" of raw materials. Ignoring the cost of getting to the asteroid, have ...
Michael Stachowsky's user avatar
12 votes
10 answers

Is there an elegant method to stop an asteroid's spin?

There have been proposals to mine asteroids, perhaps after “tugging” them to a more accessible location. As well, proposals have been made to move asteroids which threaten collision with earth. ...
Woody's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Would planetary quarantine have to be used for asteroid mining missions?

Currently, sample return missions have to follow very delicate procedures to move the sample to the return vehicle. This is incredibly complicated and may explain why so few missions have launched. ...
WarpPrime's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How can we source potassium fluoride outside of Earth?

Potassium fluoride is the best known terrestrial option to purify the various materials used for the manufacturing of photovoltaic panels. Many of these materials can be found in regolith. The process ...
Ismael Ghalimi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Using a reverse sling + compression sock to give an asteroid an initial boost - possible?

building my a related question, I have a hypothesis in question: Assuming that we can get a tug spacecraft near an asteroid worth mining, at appropriate but faster speeds can we use a slingshot with a ...
Artem Shamsutdinov's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Could we use Mars as as an asteroid mining base?

After getting a lot of helpful feedback I've arrived at a question: What if we setup base on Mars: I) Mine water, and split it for propellant. II) Load up light weight (expandable?) rockets with it....
Artem Shamsutdinov's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Cheaply capture asteroids for mining with momentum transfer via a chain of Earth + Moon elevators (and alike), is it possible?

I get that mining asteroids seems like a very expensive task. I understand that it's expensive to get to and from them and takes lots of propellant.  But I just thought of a a way to make it way ...
Artem Shamsutdinov's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Sub Lunar Mining

What mineable Lunar mineral deposits are valuable enough to offset mission costs. I have read perhaps cobalt, titanium, lithium, helium and maybe obsidian?
Jesse 's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Asteroid mining: will full asteroid prospecting require sending probes to each asteroid?

It is well known that many characteristics about an asteroid such as orbit, size, rotation and chemical composition can be obtained remotely thanks to passive techniques such as spectrophotometry, ...
Rexcirus's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Would a sufficiently deep cavern on Mars provide habitable temperature and atmospheric pressure? Was Dick Tracy wrong?

Would a sufficiently deep cavern on Mars provide habitable temperature and atmospheric pressure? Dick Tracy discovered minimally dressed Moon People living comfortably outdoors on the Moon. Their Far ...
Woody's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How much equipment will be required to mine 600 tons of water ice on Mars?

Assuming that Starship needs to fully refuel on the Martian surface to return to Earth, that will require about 260 tons of methane->66 tons of hydrogen->600 tons of water, which you would need ...
Barry Jenakuns's user avatar
1 vote
7 answers

Are people actually serious about mining the Moon?

I see a lot of enthusiasm about the possibility of mining the Moon. But worryingly, I don't see much said about the potential horrific effects of this. I mean, guys: the Moon is actually pretty damn ...
White Prime's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

On what calculations is Robert Zubrin's assertion that Mars could be warmed by 10 ⁰ C in 50 years with fluorocarbon gases based?

In this answer to the question "What would the full hypothetical Mars terraforming roadmap look like ?" there's a link to the article "Zubrin on Terraforming Mars" in Universe ...
Cornelis's user avatar
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6 votes
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How can we mine Near Earth Objects?

After skimming this Worldbuilding SE answer, I wonder if any companies or space agencies have plans in place to mine Near Earth Objects(NEOs) in the future.
Kav's user avatar
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Likely ways to move asteroids

Asteroids for mining and to make habitats: what are likely ways to move them? Orion project nuclear explosions might be plausible, but would probably be expensive, use very heavy materials from Earth, ...
CriglCragl's user avatar
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Can it be estimated when a first settlement near the equator would become more economical than one at the midlatitudes of Mars?

Choosing the right place on Mars for a settlement would be of course an important decision because once it's there it would take much time and money to move on to another, better location. Because the ...
Cornelis's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Full lunar mineralization/ore map

This is really quick I'm searching for a full complete ore map of the moon, I found this: But, as you can see, is impossible read.
Valentino Zaffrani's user avatar
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Deimos and Phobos minerals

I am searching for Deimos and Phobos mineral maps, which probably are the best candidates to find large amounts of He-3 or other valuable resources to send to Mars colonies in the future. I searched ...
Valentino Zaffrani's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What would be the required equipment for an astronaut to dig to the centre of Bennu?

Credits: NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona The image above is part of a close-up acquired by NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft of Bennu's surface. 101955 Bennu is a carbonaceous asteroid that is currently ...
Cornelis's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Will mining water on Bennu for travelling to Mars not be more economical than mining it at the lunar south pole?

Bennu is a carbonaceous asteroid that is currently accompanied by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft that will take samples from it to return to Earth. Its diameter is 490 m. and it is slightly denser than ...
Cornelis's user avatar
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Mining Venus' surface using lasers?

One of the issues with colonizing Venus is the harsh conditions at the surface. People have proposed using floating habitats in the upper atmosphere, where conditions are milder, and gathering ...
Pitto's user avatar
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Demonstrating molten oxide electrolysis on the Moon, what would require the most power, keeping it molten or driving the electrolysis?

It seems that oxygen may be extractable from oxides in lunar regolith using "some variant of the" molten oxide electrolysis. Assuming that solar energy is used in a lunar setting, what would ...
uhoh's user avatar
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How is it proposed to extract oxygen from lunar regolith?

Futurism's news item NASA Pumps Funding into Startup That Says It Can Harvest Oxygen From Lunar Regolith says: NASA just awarded substantial funding to Pioneer Astronautics, a company that claims it ...
uhoh's user avatar
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What are the challenges for delivering bulk asteroid commodities to Earth? [closed]

I think nickel-iron is an extraordinary and perhaps unique resource that is (by Earth market standards) valuable even as a raw and unprocessed commodity - perhaps several thousand US$ per ton for high ...
Ken Fabian's user avatar
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1 vote
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Compact ISRU for manufactured goods?

Most studies of ISRU focus on propellants, life support supplies, concrete, or other "bulk" materials (liquids, gases, granules). This makes sense, given that the majority of a typical ...
ikrase's user avatar
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Are there substances that can effectively mined from asteroids that can be used for ion thrusters?

The most popular ion thruster design seems to use Xenon. Unfortunately, due to it's low boiling point Xenon isn't easily available in space. Are there other materials from which ion thrusters could ...
Christian's user avatar
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Atmospheric entry of asteroid mining products

This is a more general question than How to get processed asteroid metals back to Earth in a safe manner That question was actually a quick check to see if a particular idea was plausible. Instead, ...
Craeft's user avatar
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What are mass constraints to mine the moon causing significant changes to orbital dynamics either tidal forces?

While US and EU governments seem now to give official support for Moon mining, I wonder whether if we would mine away from the Moon same quantity we have mined on the Earth so far, would that ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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6 votes
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Would capture of a uranium-rich asteroid open new possibilities?

It seems that energy production in space is a limiting factor. We can use photovoltaics, but they're of minimal value past Mars, and many interesting places (like the moon) have very long nights. The ...
Stephen Collings's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

What is the closest asteroid to Earth worth mining?

I found this list, but it doesn't say how close it is to the ground
Valentino Zaffrani's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Mining Helium-3 on the Moon and sending it to Earth?

It would be best to mine and process material on the moon to obtain helium-3, but my question is, what if we did an unmanned mission? A small robot 1 meter long, powered by solar energy, that takes ...
Valentino Zaffrani's user avatar
6 votes
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Resources on 129 Antigone

I am one of the cast members of an ongoing science-fiction podcast set in an asteroid settlement on 129 Antigone. The settlement is an O’Neill cylinder built from materials harvested from the asteroid,...
Barry Haworth's user avatar