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Questions tagged [orbit-selection]

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2 votes
1 answer

Design of return trajectory from lunar polar orbit to Earth's atmosphere

Given a flight path angle, altitude and velocity at re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere, how do I go about designing the return trajectory from a polar orbit at 17km altitude about the lunar surface ...
Chloe's user avatar
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2 votes
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Ballistic missile typical trajectory - along which path is it supposed to travel between Russia, China and US?

Today I was puzzled when my son was holding a school globe asking me to show with my finger a trajectory of a (nuclear) ballistic missile flying from US to China and Russia and vice versa (from Russia ...
Code Complete's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

Is there any reason to send space probes along the plane of our solar system instead of perpendicular to the plane of our solar system? [duplicate]

Is there any reason to send deep space probes (Pioneer and Voyager) along the plane of our solar system (maybe with a slight inclination) instead of perpendicular to the plane of our solar system? If ...
Hash's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

What is the fewest number of satellites required to have constant global coverage?

How can I guarantee global coverage with the fewest number of satellites? Assume that link margin isn't a problem.
PearsonArtPhoto's user avatar
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