Questions tagged [pslv]

Questions about the ISRO PSLV (Polar Space Launch Vehicle) launch vehicle.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Optimal Trajectory for SLV in the last stage

I have developed an algorithm for SLV guidance using optimal control theory. I need a reference trajectory to verify my algorithm. The algorithm requires the initial position and velocity coordinates ...
Fawad Khan's user avatar
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Info needed on PSLV launch adaptors and configurations

I want to understand how satellites are accommodated in PSLV. I know about few configurations and adaptors that've been used in the past. Is there any document which gives detailed info on Multiple ...
Suyash's user avatar
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Why does the PSLV first stage's exhaust plume turn to bluish at high altitude?

After few seconds, post liftoff(anywhere between 60s and 90s), the exhaust plume of PSLV turns into a bluish colour. This is quite evident in night launches than day launches(obviously because the ...
karthikeyan's user avatar
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