Questions tagged [ryugu]

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5 votes
2 answers

How far did Hayabusa-2 back off before the "bomb" went off?

The BBC News article Hayabusa-2: Japanese probe set to 'bomb' an asteroid says: The charge is carried on the Small Carry-On Impactor (SCI) device. This is a 14kg conical container attached to ...
2 votes
1 answer

What criteria was used to select potential landing sites for Hayabusa-2's rovers on Ryugu?

The NYTimes' article Hayabusa2 Prepares to Drop Rovers on Asteroid Ryugu says Sept. 19 Rock Hoppers Hayabusa2 is preparing to deploy two small rovers this week, each about 7 inches wide. Ryugu’s ...
8 votes
1 answer

How long will MASCOT operate on Ryugu?

The MASCOT lander on Hayabusa 2 seems to be powered by batteries only, I couldn't find any reference to solar panels or an RTG. What is its expected lifetime on the asteroid? MASCOT page at CNES
1 vote
1 answer

Diagram of Hayabusa 2 in "Hill Coordinate System"; what is that exactly? How to convert it to inertial?

These JAXA's Hayabusa-2's two Tweets: 1 2 show a diagram of the spacecraft's motion relative to Ruygu in what they call a Hill Coordinate System, This is a diagram of the trajectory during solar ...
9 votes
1 answer

How far will the debris cloud from Hayabusa-2's touch-and-go sample recovery travel around Ryugu? Will any have escaped to heliocentric orbit?

HAYABUSA2 MOMENT OF TOUCHDOWN This animation, extracted from a longer video, shows the moment of Hayabusa2's 21 February 2019 touchdown on asteroid Ryugu. JAXA Source: Planetary Society's Watch ...
4 votes
0 answers

How can we be certain that Ryugu is a remnant of the material that did not form planets?

Its mentioned here that Ryugu is a part of the Solar System material that did not get ...
2 votes
2 answers

How does Hayabusa-2's "Communication Simulator" on its website work? What does it show?

The pinned tweet on Hayabusa-2's Twitter account leads to which is a kind of control panel readout of the spacecraft's situation. I clicked ...
4 votes
1 answer

How much delta-v would Hayabusa-2 need per day to remain 20 km sunward of Ryugu?

Hayabusa-2 is near the astroid Ryugu, and both are essentially in nearly-matching heliocentric orbits around the Sun. Hayabusa-2's "hangout" is about 20 km sunward of Ryugu. For the purposes of this ...
3 votes
1 answer

What causes Hyabusa-2's close-up images of Ryugu to be dark in the corners?

The NYTimes' article Hayabusa2 Prepares to Drop Rovers on Asteroid Ryugu says Sept. 19 Rock Hoppers Hayabusa2 is preparing to deploy two small rovers this week, each about 7 inches wide. Ryugu’s ...
3 votes
2 answers

How could JAXA not know when Hayabusa2 will arrive at asteroid Ryugu?

The Nikkey Asian Review article Probe nears asteroid to unlock secrets to life's origins; Hayabusa2 mission includes return of samples after 18-month study begins: TOKYO -- A Japanese space probe is ...